On September 30th, 2020, the MHLW released its budget request for the 2021 fiscal year. The amount requested for the general account was 32.99 trillion yen , an increase of 3.4 billion yen from the previous year. A separate request was to be made for urgent expenses, such as the response to Covid-19, by the time the budget was finalized in December. According to the MHLW, in addition to the measures they had taken to protect people's lives, employment and livelihoods from the pandemic, they would prioritize measures necessary to build a social security system suited to the “new normal” lifestyle, such as (1) building a new system of health, medical, and nursing care, (2) securing employment opportunities, and (3) providing livelihood support.
The amount requested in the budget for the Department of Health and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities was 2.14 trillion yen (item requests excluded), which was unchanged from the previous year. The main items and amounts are as follows.
* The numbers in brackets are from the previous year.
- Securing of high-quality welfare services for persons with disabilities and support for children with disabilities: 1,58 trillion yen (1,58 trillion yen)
- Expansion of community life support projects, etc. [including new projects] 51.7 billion yen (50.5 billion yen)
- Development of the system for providing disability welfare services, etc. 7.1 billion yen (6.8 billion yen) * Excluding temporary and extraordinary measures
- Promotion of support for children with disabilities, including those with hearing impairments [including new projects] 430 million yen (360 million yen)
- Promotion of support for artistic and cultural activities [including new projects] 480 million yen (410 million yen)
- Promotion of information and communication support for people with visual impairments and hearing impairments [including new projects] 810 million yen (370 million yen)
- Construction of a community-based integrated care system which also supports persons with mental illness [including new projects] 810 million yen (640 million yen)
- Promotion of support measures for persons/children with developmental disabilities [including new projects] 640 million yen (630 million yen)
- Promotion of employment support for persons with disabilities [including new projects] 1.4 billion yen (1.4 billion yen)
- Promotion of measures to combat addictions [including new projects] 980 million yen (930 million yen)
- Securing of a system of providing disability welfare services which takes into account the prevention of infectious diseases [including new projects] amount undecided
For further information, please visit the following site (Japanese only). https://www.mhlw.go.jp/wp/yosan/yosan/21syokan/