[Digital Agency] Requests for Preliminary Cooperation from Youth Economic Organizations regarding the Recruitment of DX Promoters

At a press conference on December 21, 2021, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced a policy to train more than 10,000 DX Promoters to support the elderly and those unfamiliar with digital technology.

The DX Promoters collaborate with related projects implemented by relevant ministries and organizations. Other than that, in other initiatives with the DX Promoters in a cross-sectional position promoting DX comprehensively, the Government aims to make DX the foundation of a broad national movement.

The Digital Agency plans to recruit DX Promoters from May 2022 onward. However, prior to this, on April 26, the Agency asked representatives of three organizations to get together to recruit DX Promoters from their respective organizations. These organizations are:

  1. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan:
  2. Central Federation of Youth Leagues of Societies of Commerce and Industry, Japan
  3. Youth Division of the National Federation of Small Business Associations (UBA) 

The three organizations have undertaken the request with the following comments:

  • Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan

"We used to think that digital was high-tech, but now we realize that some digitalization can be used for even the smallest things, so we, as an organization, want to promote digitalization across the board."

  • Central Federation of Youth Leagues of Societies of Commerce and Industry, Japan

"We have been discussing digitalization and DX since last year, and would like to help with the DX promotion project."

  • Youth Division of the National Federation of Small Business Associations (UBA) 

"Since the year before last, the entire organization has been promoting digitization, and we also believe that businesses, especially SMEs, are the ones who must fully understand the need for DX. As we further promote digitalization, we should be able to expand it for our generation, our future children, and the community."

For more information, please visit the website below (Japanese only):
