[Kashiwazaki City] Gesture Interface Certified as Daily Living Equipment

On April 1, 2023, Kashiwazaki City became the first city in Japan to recognize the Augmentative and Alternative Gesture Interface (AAGI) as eligible for daily living equipment benefits and began providing it.

AAGI is a non-contact switch system that uses a 3D camera to capture slight body movements of users with severe motor dysfunction due to cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, etc. Through image recognition software, AAGI controls the environment, such as inputting data into a PC and turning a TV on or off.

As for body movements, nine recognition engines have been developed, including finger bending, fine motor movement of the hands and feet, head movements, mouth opening and closing, large winking, up and down shoulder movements, knee opening and closing, and foot stomping.

As for body movements, nine recognition engines have been developed, including finger bending, fine motor movement of the hands and feet, head movements, mouth opening and closing, large winking, up and down shoulder movements, knee opening and closing, and foot stomping.

Dr. Daisuke Nishida (Chief Researcher and Physician in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Medical Device Innovation Laboratory, Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Niigata National Hospital) conducted joint research and development with:
- Tokai University School of Medicine (Kanagawa Prefecture)
- National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (Tokyo)
- National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (Saitama Prefecture), and
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Ibaraki Prefecture).
They demonstrated its performance as daily living equipment over a long period, mainly for patients at the Niigata National Hospital.

The product's name as a daily living piece of equipment is "Gesture Interface for Persons with Severe Motor Dysfunctions." The standard price is 100,000 yen, and the benefit is intended for persons (including children) with severe motor dysfunction who have difficulty operating functions unless they use the gesture interface.

For more information, please visit: https://www.city.kashiwazaki.lg.jp/shiseijoho/shinogaiyo/shichoshitsu/1/2023kishakaiken/35381.html
