The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Looking Toward the Year 2000
Sarah Blackstone in collaboration with
Luis Azevedo, Prue Fuller, Britta Nilsson, John Patterson
ISAAC Executive Committee
Nancy Christie
ISAAC's Executive Director
Web Posted on: November 22, 1997
ISAAC, the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication is an international organization with a mission to:
- (1) advance the transdisciplinary field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC);
- (2) facilitate information exchange; and
- (3) focus attention on the important work in the field.
Today, ISAAC has 2,300 members in more than 47 countries, including 11 national/regional Chapters. An ISAAC chapter is a national, regional or language group of members who address ISAAC's mission at the local level by acting as advocates for the development of AAC within their nation or region. Examples are USSAAC (the United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication), ISAAC-Canada, Communication Matters (ISAAC-UK) and ISAAC-Norway, whose members will be speaking with you during the session.
Many ISAAC members come from countries where there is not yet a Chapter of ISAAC. They join ISAAC directly. In either cases, however, service providers, educators, consumers, family members, manufacturers and researcher are among the stakeholder groups who join the Society. Any person interested in AAC can benefit from being connected to the AAC international movement.
During the session, the ISAAC Executive Committee will discuss the role of an international organization in improving the quality of life for individuals with severe communication impairments. We will share the impact of recent changes in ISAAC and our plans to facilitate even more active collaboration among AAC service providers, consumers, manufacturers and other national and international organizations who are concerned with people who use AAC. Representatives from the US, Canada, Portugal, England, and Norway will be speaking. We plan to discuss and ask for input on several topics, which may include:
- (1) the development of an ISAAC Web Site,
- (2) the publication of a new Clinical Series in AAC,
- (3) the ISAAC Biennial Conferences in Dublin (1998), hosted by ISAAC- Ireland and Baltimore (2000), hosted by USSAAC.
In addition, we will share some important initiatives in areas where AAC is just beginning to emerge, specifically activities in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Pacific Rim. In addition, we will be sharing information about ISAAC's current publications: The AAC Journal, The ISAAC Bulletin and the ISAAC Directory.
As ISAAC (and its Chapters) look toward the year 2000, we want to hear from others interested in AAC about how organizations, like ISAAC, can help their local efforts. In addition, we will discuss how organizations can assist members in reaching their personal and institutional goals in ways that better serve AAC consumers. The session will include an open dialogue among participants and presenters.
For more information about ISAAC and ISAAC Chapters:
c/o Nancy Christie
P.O. Box 1762, Station R
Toronto, ON M4G 4A3
Phone (905) 737-9308
Fax (905) 737-0624
ISAAC- Canada
c/o Liz Baer
same address as above
c/o James F. Neils
P.O. Box 5271
Evanston, IL 60201-5271
Phone (847) 869-2122
Fax (847) 869-2161
c/o Caroline Gray
The ACE Centre, Ormerod School
Wayneflete Road
Headington, Oxford OX3 8DD
Phone +44=1865 63508
Fax +44 1865 750188
c/o Britta Nilsson
Pilestredet 32, Oslo 9927
Phone +47 22 868467
Fax +47 22 868458
For more information about ISAAC Publications
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Editor: David Beukelman
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 830732
202 Barkley Center
Lincoln, NE 68583-0732
Phone (402) 472-5463
Fax (402) 472-0406
The ISAAC Bulletin
Editor: Joan Bruno
225 Evergreen Court
Mountainside, NJ 07032
Phone (908) 223-2720 x250
Fax (908) 223-2853
For more information about AAC Manufacturers
Communication Aid Manufacturers Association
c/o James Neils
P.O. Box 5271
Evanston, IL 60201-5271
Phone (847) 869-2122
Fax (847) 869-2161