Moon K. Chang
Alabama State University
P.O. Box 271
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
Voice: (334)229-4260
Web Posted on: November 22, 1997
ACCOMMODATING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR THE FACULTY (long form) and ACCOMMODATING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: A GUIDE FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS (short form) is part of Project AIM (Alternative Instructional Methods), a project funded through a supplemental award by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. The project was undertaken by a team of three professionals:
- Moon K. Chang, Ed.D., Associate Professor and Project Director, College of Education, Alabama State University;
- J. Scott Richards, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Research, College of Medicine, The University of Alabama-Birmingham;
- and Amie Jackson, M.D., RRTC Project Director, College of Medicine, The University of Alabama-Birmingham.
The project has three major objectives:
- (1) To identify effective ways and means of accommodations that can be used for students with disabilities;
- (2) To synthesize the findings in the form of non-theoretical summaries; and
- (3) To deliver this information directly to university professors and school teachers.
This document presents the results of an extensive literature search on ways and means of providing reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 for students with visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical impairments, and learning disabilities.
The long version of the publication is for university professors and the short version of the publication is for school teachers. The first part of the publication presents ways and means of accommodation without specialized materials and devices; and the second part of the publication lists some of the important materials and devices, with short descriptions, that are not readily available to school teachers for their classes but have high impact on ways and means of accommodation.
In order to facilitate reading of the text, citations were eliminated from the body of the text. However, references used for the publication and internet addresses are appended at the end of the publication for those who want further information on certain topics. A list of selected references is as follows:
- "ABLEDATA", (1995), Silver Spring, MD.
- "Accessibility Products for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT", (n.d.), Madison, WI.
- "AccessDOS", (1991), Madison, WI.
- "Assistive Technology for the Disabled Computer User", (1995), Washington, DC.
- "CO-NET", (1996), Madison, WI.
- "ECER CD-ROM", (1996), Norwood, MA.
- "ERIC CD-ROM", (1996), Rockville, MD.
- "Measuring Student Progress in the Classroom: A Guide to Testing and Evaluating Progress of Students with Disabilities", (1995), Washington, DC.
- "Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities", (n.d.), Columbus, OH.