The PRC's Consultant's Electronic Library
Kevin Gerrior
B.A. M.A. M.Ed.
Prentke Romich Company
1022 Heyl Road
Wooster , Ohio, 44691
1-800-262-1984 ext. 481
Web Posted on: November 30, 1997
This presentation will cover a range of topics within the field of AAC. It will give a person the basic knowledge of the field of AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication). This session would be valuable whether you are a AAC user, parent, teacher, speech language pathologist, or someone who just wants to learn more about the field. The presentation is for novice to advanced users of the internet. During the presentation you will learn how to locate the site on the internet, navigate around the site, and learn how to email the information to an email address. Some of the information that may be touched are:
- What the PRC Can Do For You
- What is Assistive Technology
- What is Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC)
- Success Stories of People Who Use AAC
- Happenings in the Field of AAC
- Information for People in the Field
- AAC Journals
- AAC Books
- Laws and Regulations with regards to AAC
- Funding Information
- Information for AAC Users
- AAC User Listserves
- Email Addresses of PRC AAC Users
- AAC Organizations
After this session a person will take away with them a basic foundational knowledge of the field and a means of staying up to date in the future.