Integrating Technology and Team Collaboration into the Classroom
Tina Miller
Educator/Computer Coordinator
Children's Care Hospital and School
2501 West 26th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Voice Message: (605) 336-1840 x3202
FAX: (605) 336-0277
Lori Dahlquist
MA Speech Pathology/Audiology
Children's Care Hospital and School
2501 West 26th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Voice Message: (605) 336-1840 x4026
FAX: (605) 336-0277
Leanne Baldwin
Special Educator
Children's Care Hospital and School
2501 West 26th Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Voice Message: (605) 336-1840 x3200
FAX: (605) 336-0277
Web Posted on: December 12, 1997
It is 1:00 p.m. and time for Storybook Journey to take place in the classroom. The students are sitting in a circle ready to start. The teacher begins by reading the book The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. In this book, Mother has made a dozen cookies. That should be enough for the family, however, the doorbell keeps ringing and new friends continue to stop by. During the story the teacher is sitting in the in the play kitchen center. She is telling the story using a cookie sheet, plates, a bell, real cookies and the students to help tell the story. Each child knows their part and is ready to add a line from the story at the appropriate time. As the teacher reads, it is J.R.'s turn to say his line from the story. Everyone is waiting, but J.R. is busy telling his neighbor what to do. His friend Nancy is sitting next to him and nudges him to say his line. J.R. gets back on task and adds his line. Amy repeats her line out of turn over and over and over. Jessica looks at Amy and says "Not yet Amy!"
When the story has ended everyone has shared equally in telling the story, become actively involved, and had a good time doing it!!
This may sound like a typical scenario which can take place in any classroom. However, this particular group was made up of students with moderate to severe mental and physical handicaps as well as peers without disabilities. The interactions described were made possible by incorporating technology with storybooks which has become a very effective and positive way to encourage interaction.
The above mentioned segregated classroom was initially identified as serving children whose needs included technology, communication (verbal/nonverbal) and reintegration into the regular classroom. As current best practice standards recommend, collaborative teaching between the educator and speech therapist was implemented for a time frame of 10 hours per week. The children served in this classroom ranged in age from 5 to 10 years old who presented a variety of disabilities. Cognitive levels ranged from age equivalent scores of 10 months to 3 years old with physical abilities ranging from independent ambulation to wheelchair dependent. Programming focused on child centered activities, social skills, play skills, communication/interaction skills and pre-academic skills. A reverse integration program was implemented in a segregated setting as a step toward promoting inclusion.
Inclusion in the regular classroom was not considered least restrictive for these children at this time due to a high frequency of maladaptive behaviors. Each child's level of distractibility, tolerance to stimulation, and ability to process information were also considered in determining least restrictive environment. We realized if successful inclusion was going to be an option for the future, the students required opportunities to interact with non-handicapped peers on a regular basis. In order to ensure positive experiences, opportunities for reverse integration were implemented on a weekly basis within their current program. For our purposes reverse integration involved having non-handicapped children ages 5-10 spend an average of two-four hours per week in this classroom. This allowed interactions to occur in surroundings with the setting, structure, technology and materials remaining familiar. Storybook Journey (a whole language approach) is a curriculum that facilitates natural interaction between peers and is easily adapted to meet individual needs. A theme (book) was the focus for 2-4 weeks in order for participants to utilize individualized communication systems and many other forms of technology. This allowed for ample opportunities for repetition and practice in a variety of activities and settings.
The children with disabilities demonstrated an increase in spontaneous interactions, turn-taking, initiating wants/needs and simple problem solving skills. Peers without disabilities developed an awareness of likenesses and differences with peers with disabilities, and how technology can bridge the gap. This included programming devices, manipulating wheelchairs, and how to interact without dominating the activity. The benefits to the professional staff included providing a more realistic view (strengths and weaknesses) of the child which allowed us to problem solve accordingly, thereby and offering more meaningful information for families and school districts. All participants required ongoing instruction in the students individual communication systems and other available technology and their role in the classroom. As a result of this program some of our children are enrolled in an inclusionary setting part time. Continued communication and training between both educational sites and parents is seen as an essential component for success.
Team collaboration is important for making interactions and curriculum a success. Weekly planning between all team members is essential. This includes speech, occupational and physical therapists as well as educators, parents, etc. Educator and speech therapist develop lesson plans cooperatively one hour per week. Lesson plans are routed to therapists two weeks in advance. Therapists attend planning as schedules allow. This provides cohesive planning with each professional looking at the whole child and curriculum versus each individual strand. Mandatory monthly meetings are held on each child to discuss progress on IEP goals and plan strategies for the upcoming month according to the child's needs. This process is made possible because of the support from administration making this a priority in children's programming.
The following are some helpful tools we utilize to assist us in this process. (Please note company names and addresses at end of article):
- 1. Authoring software to customize programs for each theme. This would include use of Intellipic's from Intellitools, and Hyperstudio from Roger Wagner Publishing. Intellipic's sells for $99.95 and Hyperstudio sells for $199.95
- 2. Augmentative devices. User friendly low-tech devices such as the Cheap Talk from Toys for Special Children ($90.00), the BIGmack switch from AbleNet ($84.00), and the Yak Bak. The Yak Bak is available at your local toy store for approximately $10.00. These devices have been instrumental in allowing peers to program and interact without teacher participation. Use of high-tech devices is always encouraged as well.
- 3. Environmental controls. Use of a switch and a PowerLink Two Control Unit from AbleNet ($159.00) has allowed the students to access small appliances.
- 4. Manipulatives. This includes toys, games, puppets and other hands on activities to cement concepts being reinforced within the theme.
- 5. Teacher-adapted books. Mayer-Johnson picture symbols are added to the book to reinforce vocabulary. The book is pulled apart and laminated. Holes are then punched in the pages and bound by large rings. Removable matching pictures are also laminated and attached by Velcro. All of these adaptations allow for easy manipulation and expanded use of each book. You can print out Mayer-Johnson picture symbols with "Boardmaker." This is a software program for Macintosh and Windows and sells for $399.00. It can be obtained from the Mayer-Johnson Co.
- 6. Pathways to Literacy Through Storybook Journey and Play by Sue McCord. In this book, Sue McCord explains the Storybook Journey philosophy and gives detailed applications for starting your own Storybook Journey program. It sells for $20.00 and can be obtained by writing or calling Sue McCord (please see address at the end of the article).
The technology mentioned above has been a key factor in increasing interactions between peers. All children appear to enjoy technology and have a natural curiosity for exploration. Our program development is an on-going process as we find more and more ways to utilize available technology.
In the past we attempted various forms of inclusionary experiences within our setting. These included involving disabled and non-disabled peers in swimming and recreational activities, art activities and community outings. We discovered that while the students enjoyed the experiences, it was a more social as opposed to a true 'learning' experience. We realized that we needed to find a way to include both social and learning experiences. This has been our most successful experience thus far as we continue to explore the area of inclusion for students with moderate to severe disabilities.
AbleNet, Inc.
1081 10th Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1312
1-800-322-0956 Children's Care Hospital & School
2501 W. 26th
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
605-336-1840 Mayer-Johnson Co.
P.O. Box 1579
Solana Beach, CA 92075-1579
619-550-0084 Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.
1050 Pioneer Way, Suite P
El Cajon, CA 92020
1-800-421-6526 Intellitools
55 Leveroni Court
Suite 9
Novato, CA 94949
1-800-899-6687 Toys for Special Children
385 Warburton Ave.
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
914-478-0960 Sue McCord
University of Colorado
Campus Box 409
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-3047
Children's Care Hospital & School is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving children with disabilities and their families.