Yvonne Smith, B.S., LPT
Arlington Independent School District
Arlington, Texas
Peggi McNairn, Ph.D., CCC/SLP
Easter Seal Society for Children and Adults
Ft. Worth, Texas
Web Posted on: December 12, 1997
Matching an individual's needs to specific features of a device is an essential element in any AAC assessment. However, providing a thorough and objective AAC device feature match requires not only knowledge of the many AAC devices on the market, but also numerous hours sorting through catalogs and calling manufacturers for the most current information on products. This can be an overwhelmingly time-consuming task for even the most experienced clinician. Fortunately, a new software program, AAC Feature Match Software, provides a simpler, more efficient way to complete an AAC feature match assessment.
By identifying features of an AAC system, an individual's needs can be matched to the most appropriate device(s). AAC Feature Match Software provides a detailed feature description of over 120 different devices from over 20 leading manufacturers. Information is provided concerning speech/language input/output, access, mounting, warranties, price, weight, dimensions, environmental control interface, computer interface, support options, and more.
The program also allows you to create professional-looking documentation for all your assessments, including a client profile data sheet, a composite analysis chart listing identified features and matching devices, individual device feature information reports, and vendor/manufacturer information request letters.
The features in the program were selected based on a careful review of the current literature on feature matching in assessments. Augmentative and Alternative Communication by David Beukelman and Pat Miranda, PennTech presentation handouts, the Trace Resourcebook, and Augmentative Communication News were a few of the sources utilized. Input from practicing clinicians on the types of features that they looked for in an assessment was also obtained. A Device Feature Match Protocol was then developed from this information.
The specific feature information on each device was obtained from a number of different sources. Print material from the vendors, telephone conversation with manufacturers, device manuals, and hands-on manipulation of devices when available were all used as sources. After the features were entered into the program, a second clinical specialist double checked the accuracy of the feature information. Individual device sheets were then printed and mailed to each manufacturer for verification of accuracy.
As a result of these efforts, AAC Feature Match Software is a powerful, user- friendly program that will assist clinicians in developing an objective AAC feature match in a time and cost efficient manner.
The Evaluators' Database
The AAC Feature Match Software allows you to track individual evaluators and their respective clients. Adding, deleting, and finding evaluator's names, addresses, and client lists is a very simple process that is accomplished through the Search menu. After selecting the Evaluators option in the Search menu, you can add an evaluator's name and address by simply clicking on the Add Evaluator button and typing in the information requested on the screen. This information will be used as the return mailing address for the Vendors/Manufacturers Information Request Letters.
To find a specific evaluator, click on the Find button located on the right side of the Evaluators screen. A screen titled Edit Evaluators will appear. To select an evaluator, scroll down to the targeted name and click the OK button. The screen will then change to the name and identifying information for that evaluator.
To pull up a list of that evaluator's clients, click on the Clients button at the center bottom of the evaluators screen. This will bring up a display list of all client's who have had a Client's Information sheet developed by that evaluator.
To delete a particular evaluator from the database, you must first go through the Find procedure described above. When the desired evaluator's information is displayed on the screen, click on the Delete button. A confirmation screen will appear. Clicking on the Yes button will delete the evaluator's name from the program's database. Clicking on No or Cancel will take you back to the Evaluators screen, leaving the evaluator's information unchanged.
The Client Feature Match Profile
The Client Feature Match Profile is composed of two parts: the Client Information form and the Feature Profile. The Client Information sheet provides you with a thumbnail sketch of identifying information about a particular client.
The Feature Profile provides you with a set of 10 files to choose from: Main, Language, Speech, Input, Keyboard, Switch, Output, Mounting, Power, and Additional. Each file contains feature choices related to that file's topic. Selecting the features specific to the needs of your client will result in a list of devices that match the criteria you specify.
Language: The Language file contains a list of nine organiza- tional/encoding methods. Two additional features, Foreign Language Capabilities and Language Application Program, are also included in this file.
Speech: The Speech file contains information on Speech Output Options, Digitized Speech Characteristics, Synthesized Speech Characteristics.
Input: The Input file contains choices between direct selection and scanning/switch input. Selecting each choice activates additional features and choices within that file.
Keyboard: The Keyboard file contains information on the type of keyboard a device uses, key size and sensitivity, and keyboard feedback (auditory, tactile, and/or visual).
Switch: The Switch file contains information on the number of switch an individual may need to access a device as well as numerous switch types.
Output: The Output file references the visual output features of a device and what printer connections the device may have. This file also contains information about display characteristics including display type, size, and backlighting. Dynamic versus static features are also addressed in this area.
Mounting: The Mounting file lists the different types of mounts that the devices will accept. These options include: belt, carrying case, desktop mounts, strap, rigid or swingaway wheelchair mounts, and walker mounts.
Power: The Power file lists the various options which affect the device's battery, such as battery type, battery replacement, battery life, and AC power source.
Additional: The Additional file lists important physical features about the device that do not fit into any other file, such as size, weight, price, etc. Dedicated vs. integrated platform, programming difficulty, environmental control access, computer access, and warranty are also included. Information on support options, such as manuals, training, and videos, is included. Once the appropriate features have been selected, a report can be printed out by selecting the Print button at the bottom of the screen. A list of devices will be printed with their corresponding feature match scores.
Device Information Sheets
Individual information sheets specific to each device can also be printed. Selecting the Device Info. Sheet option from the Print menu provides an alphabetical list of all the devices included in the database. Clicking on the name of the device for which you want a Device Information Sheet will generate a two page device feature report that can be printed.
Vendor Information Request Letters
The AAC Feature Match Software is designed to print form letters to each of the device manufacturers listed in a feature match profile. The standard letter requests a catalog and pricing information on each device, as well as the name and telephone number of a local representative.
Device Listing
A report listing each device on file in the database will be printed when this option is selected. This listing can be reviewed to ensure that all devices that you believe should be included in consideration for your client are in fact in the database. Other devices can also be added by the evaluator at his/her discretion. An annual update of all AAC devices is available from Doug Dodgen and Associates.
Finally, no more struggling with complicated manuals or spending hours sorting through catalogs and fliers. AAC Feature Match Software will assist you in developing an objective device feature match for your clients, quickly, simply, and efficiently. The program provides a detailed feature description of over 120 different augmentative communication devices from more than 20 leading manufacturers. You'll be amazed at how quickly and easily this remarkable program objectively matches your client's needs to the specific device features that you identify and then creates professional-looking documentation for your assessment and funding requests.
AAC Feature Match Software, Doug Dodgen & Associates, P.O. Box 180503, Arlington, Texas 76096; (817) 467-0627.