音声ブラウザご使用の方向け: SKIP NAVI GOTO NAVI

11.1.1 JFC Keyboard Bindings for Windows95/NT Components

Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab (reverses direction)
I   class com.sun.java.swing.JComponent
A AbstractButton
1 JButton
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Activate - Enter
a BasicArrowButton
2 JMenuItem
Navigate in - Arrow key
Navigate out - Arrow key
Activate - Enter (unposts menu and goes to last window
item with focus)
a JCheckBoxMenuItem (See Note)
Navigate in - Arrow keys
Navigate out - Arrow key
Check - Enter (unposts menu and goes to last window
item with focus)
Un-check - Enter (unposts menu and goes to last
window item with focus)
Note - Should Check match JCheckBox?
b JMenu
Post - Enter
Un-post -       Esc (steps back one post at a time, e.g. unpost
backward from submenu in following menubar
sequence F10>f>down arrow>submenu)
Navigate within - Arrow keys
R(L) arrow posts a submenu
c JRadioButtonMenuItem (See Note)
Navigate in - Arrow Keys
Navigate out - "
Check - Enter (unposts menu and goes to last window item with
Note - Should Check match JRadioButton?
3 JToggleButton
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within - Arrow keys
Toggle on/off- Spacebar
a JCheckBox
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within - Arrow Keys
Check - Spacebar
Un-check - Spacebar
b JRadioButton
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within - Arrow keys
Toggle on/off- Spacebar
B JColorChooser
C JComboBox
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Post menu - Alt+Down arrow
Unpost menu - Esc
Navigate within list - Arrow keys
Select from list - Enter
Cycle thru entries without posting menu - Up/Down Arrow Keys
D JDesktopIcon
Navigate in - Alt+esc, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+esc, Ctrl+Tab, Shift+...
(navigates first between open primary windows then
desktop icons)
Navigate out - Same as above
Open icon - Enter, Ctrl+F5, Alt+F5
Alt+Spacebar (post window menu then chose
restore menu item in window menu)
E JDirectoryPane (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Open file - Enter
Navigate within -
U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one row or line
L/R Arrow = Move focus l/r one component or column
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, first
focusable component in view gets focus
home = move to beginning of row or line, first
focusable component in row/line gets focus
end = move to end of row or line, last focusable
component in row/line gets focus
Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data, first
focusable component gets focus
Ctrl+end = move to end of data, last focusable
component gets focus
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, first
focusable component in view gets focus
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, first
focusable component in view gets focus
Selection -
Spacebar = Select component
Ctrl+A = Select all
Ctrl+Spacebar = Discontiguous extension
Shift+spacebar = contiguous selection
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Ctrl+Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
Ctrl+Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
1 JFileChooser
F JInternalFrame
Open (Restore) - Ctrl+F5, Alt+F5
Close - Ctrl+F4, Alt+F5 (Removes window from desktop or quits
Move - Ctrl+F7, Alt+F7 (arrows keys cause window movement, a
visual indicator of new window position
must appear when arrow keys pressed)
Resize - Ctrl+F8, Alt+F8 (arrows keys cause window resize, a
visual indicator of new window size
must appear when arrow keys pressed)
Minimize - Ctrl+F9, Alt+F9 (Iconifies window)
G JLayeredPane
2 JDesktopPane
Navigating - Ctrl+Alt+F6, Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F6 (navigates first between
open primary windows then desktop icons)
Alt+Tab, Shift+Alt+Tab (same as above)
Ctrl+F6, Shift+Ctrl+F6 (navigates between associated
Alt+F6, Shift+Alt+Tab (same as above)
Post desktop popup menu - Shift+Esc, Alt+Spacebar
H JList (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Default action - Enter
Navigate within -
U/D Arrow = Move up/down one row or line
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one view
home = move to beginning of list
end = move to end of list
Selection (assumes list enables multiple selections) -
Ctrl+A = Select all
Ctrl+Spacebar = Discontiguous extension
Shift+spacebar = contiguous selection
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of list
Shift+end = extend selection to end of list
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
I JMenuBar
Navigate in - F10 (Focus is given to first menubar item)
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (Win32 doesn't provide this)
Esc (returns focus to last component that had it)
Navigate between menubar items - Arrow keys
Post menu - D(U) Arrow key or Enter
Unpost menu - Esc (causes all open menus to unpost, returns focus
to last component that had it)
Enter = causes default or selected action
J JOptionPane
Navigate in - Alt+F6
Navigate out - Alt+F6
Unpost (dismiss) - Esc
Note - The first focusable component must be given focus when
JOptionPane gets focus, this window should
automatically get focus when a dialog box pops up
K JPanel
L JPopupMenu
Post menu - Shift+F10
Unpost menu - Esc
Navigate within - Arrow keys
Activate selection- Enter (dismisses popup)
M JProgressBar
N JRootPane
O JScrollBar
P JScrollPane
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
Arrow keys
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view
Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data
Ctrl+end = move to end of data
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view
Q JSeparator
None defined
R JSlider
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Change value -
Arrow keys,
Home = move to left/top most value (minimum)
end = move to right/bottom most value (maximum)
Pgup = Big jump in the left/top direction (~20% of scale)
Pgdn = Big jump in the right/bottom direction (~20% of scale)
Note - The top/bottom conditions account for vertical sliders
- Navigate in/out is new, not currently provided by native comp.
S JSplitPane [See Note]
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Navigate between -      Tab, F6 (last element with focus regains
focus when its pane is moved to,
F6 provides CUA compliance)
Give focus spliter bar - F8
Change size - Arrow keys, home, and end (moves the pane splitter
Note - Win32 doesn't provide F6 and F8 sequence
T JTabbedPane
Navigate in - Tab (focus goes to the tab, not the pane)
Navigate out - Ctrl+Tab (leaves JTabbedPane when focus is on tabs
or inside the tab page, components
inside tab page that have focus are
given priority for processing the
keysequence e.g. JTextArea processes
before JTabbedPane)
Navigate tabs - Arrow keys = moves between tabs
Navigate between tabs and tab page -
Ctrl+Down and Enter = moves from tab to its
associated page
Ctrl+Down = moves from tab to its associated page
Ctrl+Up = moves from tab page to its associated tab
Cycle through tab pages -
Cntrl-PgUp/Down = moves to next/previous tab page
plus first focusable
component in the tab page is
given focus or focusable the
component that last had focus
is given focus when the page
comes into view.
U   JTable (See Note)
Navigate In - Tab, shift-tab, control-tab, shift-control-tab
Navigate Out - Control-tab, shift-control-tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
The discussion below is for a table (such as a typical
spreadsheet) that allows identified or editable cell
rectangle selection. Keyboard navigation will be
simplified for the other, more restricted, cases.
Return/shift-return - move focus one cell down/up. If only one
cell is selected, the focus should wrap (top to bottom,
left to right, and then back to the top, left cell for
return) so as to traverse the entire table. If more
than one cell is selected, the focus should wrap to
traverse each selected rectangle in turn and then
repeat from the beginning. Shift-return is similar but
moves in the reverse direction.
Tab/shift-tab - move focus one cell right/left. If only one
cell is selected, the focus should wrap (left to right,
top to bottom and then back to the top, left cell for
tab) so as to traverse the entire table. If more than
one cell is selected, the focus should wrap to traverse
each selected rectangle in turn and then repeat from
the beginning. Shift-tab is similar but moves in the
reverse direction.
Up/down arrow - deselect current selection; move focus one cell up/down
Left/right arrow - deselect current selection; move focus one cell
PageUp/PageDown - deselect current selection; scroll up/down one
JViewport view; first visible cell in current
column gets focus
Control-PageUp/PageDown - deselect current selection; scroll
left/right one JViewport view; first
visible cell in current row gets
Home/end - deselect current selection; move focus and view to first/last
cell in current row
Control-home/end - deselect current selection; move focus and view to
upper-left/lower-right cell in table
Extending Selections in Tables
Control-A - select all
Shift-up/down arrow - extend selection up/down one row
Shift-left/right arrow - extend selection left/right one column
Control-shift up/down arrow - extend selection to top/bottom of column
Shift-home/end - extend selection to left/right end of row
Control-shift-home/end - extend selection to beginning/end of data
Shift-PageUp/PageDown - extend selection up/down one view and scroll
Control-shift-PageUp/PageDown - extend selection left/right one view and
scroll table
Note - Need sequence for editing and navigating within a cell.
For example, Excel uses Ctrl+U.
- Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
V JTableHeader
W JTextComponent
1 JTextArea (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one line
L/R Arrow = Move focus l/r one component or character
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
home = move to beginning of line, input focus
set to first character or object in view
end = move to end of row or line, input focus
set to last character or object in line
Ctrl+R/L = Move to next/Previous word
Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data, input focus set
to first character or object in text area
Ctrl+end = move to end of data, input focus set to
last character or object in text area
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Selection -
Ctrl+A = Select all
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Ctrl+Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
Ctrl+Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Ctrl+Shift+R/L arrow = extend selection to the next/previous
Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
2 JTextField
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
L/R Arrow keys = Move input focus to next character in field
Ctrl+R/L arrow = Move to next/Previous word
Home = Move input focus to beginning of field
End = Move input focus to end of field
Submit entry - Return
Selection -
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+Ctrl+R/L arrow = extend selection to the next/previous
a JPasswordField
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
L/R Arrow keys = Move input focus to next character in field
Ctrl+R/L arrow = Next/Previous word
Home = Move input focus to beginning of field
End = Move input focus to end of field
Submit password - Return
Selection -
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+Ctrl+R/L arrow = extend selection to the next/previous
3 JTextPane (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab (reverses direction)
Navigate within -
U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one line
L/R Arrow = Move focus l/r one component or character
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
home = move to beginning of line, input focus
set to first character or object in view
end = move to end of row or line, input focus
set to last character or object in line
Ctrl+R/L arrow = Move to next/Previous word
Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data, input focus set
to first character or object in text area
Ctrl+end = move to end of data, input focus set to
last character or object in text area
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Selection -
Ctrl+A = Select all
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Ctrl+Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
Ctrl+Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Ctrl+Shift+R/L arrow = extend selection to the next/previous
Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
a JHTMLPane (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab
Navigate within the page -
U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one line
L/R Arrow = Move focus l/r one component or character
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
home = move to beginning of line, input focus
set to first character or object in view
end = move to end of row or line, input focus
set to last character or object in line
Ctrl+R/L = Move to next/Previous word
Ctrl+home = move to beginning of data, input focus set
to first character or object in text area
Ctrl+end = move to end of data, input focus set to
last character or object in text area
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, input
focus set to first character or object
in view
Navigate link and other focusable elements -
Tab, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab = Changes focus
to next/previous focusable element in
a view (changes view to show focusable
element when next or previous
focusable element is out of view, Ctrl
sequence used for components that
accept Tab, e.g. JTextPane)
Activate link - Enter
Text selection -
Ctrl+A = Select all
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of line
Shift+end = extend selection to end of line
Ctrl+Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
Ctrl+Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
Shift+left =  extend selection left
Shift+right = extend selection right
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Ctrl+Shift+R/L arrow = extend selection to the next/previous
Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
- Can you add a cursor that shows where you are or gives
the starting point in page up/down, arrowing, cut, paste,
X JToolBar (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Ctrl+Tab, Shift+... also
Navigate within - Arrow keys
Activate - Enter
Note - Win32 does not enable any tool bar navigation.
Y JToolTip (See Note)
Post tip - Ctrl+F1 (for component with focus)
Unpost tip - Esc and Ctrl+F1
Note - This is a newly defined sequence, Win32 doesn't provide this.
Z JTree (See Note)
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Expand hierarchy - R Arrow Key
Contract hierarchy - L Arrow Key
Navigate within -
U/D Arrow = Move focus up/down one tree element
home = move focus to first element in tree, view is
changed to show first element
end = move focus to first element in tree, view is
changed to show first element
PgUp, PgDn = Move up/down one JViewport view, first
focusable element in view gets focus
Ctrl+page down = move right one JViewport view, first
focusable component in view gets focus
Ctrl+page up = move left one JViewport view, first
focusable component in view gets focus
Selection (assumes selection is supported) -
Ctrl+A = Select all
Ctrl+Spacebar = discontiguous selection
Shift+spacebar = contiguous selection
Shift+down = extend selection down
Shift+up = extend selection up
Shift+home = extend selection to beginning of data
Shift+end = extend selection to end of data
Shift+page down = extend selection down one view
Shift+page up = extend selection up one view
Ctrl+Shift+page down = extend selection right one view
Ctrl+Shift+page up = extend selection left one view
Note - Ctrl+A causes I18N work, use Ctrl+/?
AA JViewport
AB Spinner
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab
Change value -
U/D Arrow Keys
Home = move to minimum most value
end = move to maximum most value
Pgup = Big jump in the minimum direction (~20% of scale)
Pgdn = Big jump in the maximum direction (~20% of scale)
1 StringSpinner
Navigate in - Tab
Navigate out - Tab, Shift+Tab (reverses direction)
Change value -
U/D Arrow Keys
Home = move to minimum most value
end = move to maximum most value
Pgup = Big jump in the minimum direction (~20% of scale)
Pgdn = Big jump in the maximum direction (~20% of scale)