CSUN - March 1998 - Listing of Presentations
Web Posted on: May 18, 1998
The following are the papers for the CSUN 1998 Conference. The Conference is in Los Angeles in March of 1998. The CSUN Center On Disabilities may be directly referenced at: http://www.csun.edu/cod/
Brenda Premo, 1998 Keynote Address
Listing of Presentations
Listing of Presentations by Author
Alphabetical Listing of Presentations
- 100% Pure Java: IBM's Focus to Develop Accessibility for the Next Generation (Phill Jenkins)
- The 4 P's of Accessibility in Post Secondary Education: Philosophy, Policy, Precedures, and Programs (Leah J. Vickery, Michael D. McClure)
- AAC Strategies for Young Children with Vision Impairement and Multiple Disability (Marjorie Goldware, Marsha Silver)
- AAC User Profiles and Related Software Selection (Dana Bertrand)
- AAC Using a Reduced Keyboard (Cliff Kushler)
- Access Strategies for WEBTV(R) (Peggy Barker)
- Accessing Technology Through Awareness in Indiana (ATTAIN) Assistive Technology Higher Education (ATHE) Project Making the Technology Connection (Cris Fulford, Hope Clausman)
- Adapting Web Browsers for Accessibility (Paul Hendrix, Michael Birkmire)
- Adults with Disabilities: Perceived Barriers that Prevent Internet Access (Stephanie Sinks, Julia King)
- Amazing Speaking Dynamically Tools Utilized in High School Special Education Classroom (Deann A. Robinson, Gerald V. Attix)
- Applying Vocabulary Search Strategies in Augmentative Communication: Dynavox and Dynamyte Products (Beth Sinteff)
- Architectural Issues Governing the Implementation of a Multimedia Portable Communication Device (Nick Hine)
- Assisitive Technology Assessment Tool: Software for the Assistive Technology Specialist (Yvonne Smith, Peggi McNairn)
- Assistive Technology Use by Individuals with Disabilites Who Live in Rural Areas Or Who Are Members of Underrepresented Populations (Patti Bahr, Rachel Wobschall)
- Auditory Scanning and AAC (Jeri Lynn Hoffman)
- Avoiding the Mousetrap: An Evaluation of Keyboard-Only Access to Windows (Alan Cantor)
- Bell Atlantic and Universal Design Principles in the Marketplace: A Corporate-Wide Commitment (James M. Barry)
- Beyond Accreditation: CARF's Quality Improvement Products for the New Century (Dale Dutton)
- Breaking Down the Barriers: A Consumer Perspective (Rick Hohn)
- Bring Technology Out of the Closet: A Model for Classroom Application (Kit Kehr, Elysabethe Greyrose)
- Building A Bridge to College Success in K-12 (Jeffrey C. Senge)
- California Department of Corrections Disability Placement Program (DDP) (Ken Hurdle)
- The Case for Independent Screen Access (Peter Diamond)
- Check-it-out: North Carolina Puts Assistive Technology Equipment Loan on the Web (Sonya Van Horn, Jennifer Ray)
- Choosing Assistive Devices When Computer Users Have Impaired Vision (Stephen G. Whittaker)
- Classroom Amplification: Not Just for the Hearing Impaired Anymore (Lori Hubble Dahlquist)
- COCHLEAR IMPLANTS: The Implant and the Rehabilitation (Denise L. Lux, Robert B. Mahaffey)
- Cognitive Orthotics Enhance the Lives of Users with Cognitive Deficits (Marilyn M. Bergman)
- Communication Board Builder for Windows 95 (Jana Birch)
- Computer Based AAC Using The Synergy MAAC And Synergy PC - Strategies And Case Studies (Dawn Russell, Bridgit Bruce)
- CPR for AAC (Robbie Wise)
- Creating Communities of Assistive Technology Expertise: Systems Change in Vocational Rehabilitation (Kurt L. Johnson, Dagmar Amtmann, Debbie Cook)
- Creating School Based Assistive Technology Teams in Rural States: An Inservice Training Model (James O. Espe)
- Creating Stuctured Collaboration in Implementing Assistive Technologies in a Community College Setting: Library Access, A Case Study (Marcia Norris, Laurie Vasquez)
- Credentialing Program in Assistive Technology (Anjali Weber)
- CSUN's Assistive Technology Applications Certificate Program (ATACP) (Harry J. Murphy)
- Curriculum Development in Teaching Science to Students with Disabilities (Greg P. Stefanich)
- DAISY Consortium -- Developing the Next Generation of Digital Talking books (DTB) (George Kerscher, Kjell Hansson)
- Data Sources for Assistive Technology Infomation and Referral Data (Judith F. Clark)
- Designing Accessible Computer Systems for the Blind Without Expensive Adaptive Hardware (David M. Tanner)
- Designing User Interfaces for All (Constantine Stephanidis)
- Development of a Universal Access Copier (Kh. Eghtesadi, Michael O'Hare)
- The Development of a Video Tap to Process the Visual Display into Non-Visual Modalities (Janice L. McKinley, Neil Scott)
- Dilemmas of Technologies in Contemporary Rehabilitation (Krystyna Bleszynska)
- Distance Learning Takes on New Dimensions (Caren Sax)
- Door Online: Disabilities, Opportunities and Other Resources "Jump on the Information Highway and Open the Door to One-Stop (Beverly J. Hennessy)
- DOTSPLUS: A How-to Demonstration for Making Tactile Figures and Tactile Formatted math Using the Tactile Graphics Embosser (Steve Sahyun, Vladimir Bulatov, John A. Gardner, and Mark Preddy)
- DRACULAvox A New Philosophy of Navigation in the GUI Using a Speech Synthesizer (Junko FUKUDA, Ioan MONTANE)
- Dueling Scanners (Peter Scialli)
- EASI Street to Science and math for K-12 Students (Carmela Cunningham, Steve Noble)
- Electronic Books and Text Materials for Persons with Disabilities (Ken Funk)
- End-User Influence in Standardization (Jens Henriksson)
- Engaging Emergent Literacy Activities for Families (Deborah Rollfs, Mary Wrenn)
- An Innovative Training Project: Enhancing the Capacity of School Personnel in Maine to Promote the Use of Alternative Communication Strategies for Students with Disabilities (Lynn Gitlow, Debbie Gilmer, Barbara Mintz, Alan Kurtz, Colette Bilodeau)
- Enriched Language Models for Flexible Generation in AAC (Ann Copestake, Dan Flickinger)
- Environment Canada's Adaptive Computer Technology (ACT) Program (Andre Demers, Lyne Cyr, Dave Goods)
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Alternative Keyboards as an Accomodation for CTD's (Beth A. Loy, Linda C. Batiste)
- Evaluation of Individuals with Visual Impairment for Educational and Vocational Applications of Assistive Technology (Brian T. Fay)
- Everything You Need to Know About Environmental Control Units (Patti Lindstrom, Ghassan Souri)
- EZ Access Strategies for Cross-Disability Access to Kiosks, Telephones and VRCs (Chris Law, Gregg Vanderheiden)
- EZ Keys for Windows Uniquely Satisfies AAC and Other Assistive Technology Needs (Philip R. Lawrence)
- Features and Benefits for the Interface of the Next Generation Digital Talking Book (Dennis DeVendra)
- A Friendly Document Reader by Use of Multimodality Philippe Truillet, Nadine Vigouroux, Bernard Oriola)
- Functional Use of AAC Through Teamwork (Cynthia Cottier)
- The Future is Here! by Voice Alone Control Your Environment (Colin Wheeler)
- The Guideline for Section 255...the Ramifications (Jeffrey Pledger)
- Guidelines on Choosing Assistive Technology for Persons with Visual Impairments (Seville Allen)
- Haptic Applications to Virtual Worlds (Lake Porter, Jutta Treviranus)
- Hidden Uses of Presentation Software -- The Ideal Tool for Making Customized Materials for Special Needs Students and Clients (Deborah Gilden)
- How Blind Persons Can Access the Audio and Video Formats of the WWW: I-wave, Mpeg Jpeg, Gif -- Potholes or Billboards (Judith M. Dixon, Doug Wakefield
- How the Ameriphone Dialogue RC Can Change Your Life (Valerie M. Zeltzman)
- How to Allow Access to Internet Without Requiring A Computer (Ken Rhie)
- Identifying the Interrealted details that lead to Successful Application of Assistive Technology: A Chain Reaction (Bruce Fleming, Judy Henderson, Christine Wright)
- Implementing Accessible Workstations in a Large Diverse University Community (Eric Christierson, Cindy Marota, Neveen Radwan, Julie Wydeven
- Improving the Interaction Rates of Users of Assistive Communication Devices (Donald B. Egolf)
- Increasing Access Through Assistive Technology for People With Disabilites in Rural Areas (William M Bauer, James G. Piazza)
- An Indoor Navigation System for Blind Individuals (Yehuda Sonnenblick)
- The Information Society Research Challenges for 2005 for People with Disabilites (Egidio Ballabio, Michael Underwood)
- Innovative Training Tools Help People With Visual Impairments Learn Windows 95 (Patrick CHASSE, Anne JARRY, Philippe MABILLEAU, Judith PROULX, Joelle CARIGNAN)
- Integrated Software Solutions for the AAT Professional (Doug Dodgen)
- Integrating Assistive Technologies in the Work Place (Dinah F. B. Cohen)
- Intergenerational Technology Teams (Nicole Fauquier, Colleen A. Haney, Mary Beth Crowe)
- The Internet: An Inclusive Magnet for Teaching All Students (Betsy Bayha, Tanis Doe)
- Internet at Summer Camp? An Opportunity for Children and Youth with Disabilities (Sheryl Burgstahler)
- ISAAC: An Update on International Activities in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Luis Azevedo, Sarah Blackstone, Prue Fuller, Mary Ann Glicksman, Britta Nilsson, Michael Williams)
- Job Creation for Handicapped Persons Occupational Therapy (Kurt Wimmer, Friedrich Panizza)
- A Job of Childhood is Learning Language (Mary Hunt Berg, Sarah Blackstone, Elisa Kingsbury, Gloria Soto, Mary Wrenn)
- K-12 Web Resources for Science, Engineering, and Math (Dick Banks, Norman Coombs)
- Learning To Be Audio-Literate (Eileen Goodwin Mulvaney)
- Legal Rights of Access to Electronic & Telecommunications Technology (Frances E. Pennell)
- LEXABILITY: A Strategy for Using Speech Technology for Overcoming Literacy Problems (Roberta G. Brosnahan, Robert B. Mahaffey, Marshall H. Raskind)
- Lifespace Access Profile(c): Assistive Technology Assessment and Planning for Individuals with Severe or Multiple Disabilities (Original Protocol) and the Upper Extension for Individuals with Physical Disabilities. Now offered in both Macintosh and Windows '95 versions (Frances M. Patten)
- Linking Technology in Education (Sherri L. Taylor)
- Low Vision: Combined Screen-Reading and Screen Enlargment - A Necessity in the Workplace (William F. Paul, Don Dillin)
- Making Teaching Games using Overlay Maker (Jo Meyer)
- Managing the Change from Symbol Based Communication to Text Based Communication (Paul Hawes, Paul Blenkhorn)
- The Many Types and Styles of PAPER Boards (Barbara Hoadley)
- MATHPLUS Toolbox, A Fully Accessible Math Teaching Environment (Carolyn Gardner, Randy Lundquist)
- The Michigan State University Talking Tactile Map Project: Advancement Throught Collaboration (Michael J. Hudson)
- Mobile Computing Solutions for a Diverse Population of Persons with Disabilities (Patrick Burke, Guido Grimaldi)
- A Multimedia Interface for Augmentative Communication, Text Entry, Windows Management, and User Assessment (James E. Schroeder, Kevin S. Templer)
- Multimedia: Making it Accessible to Blind Users (Madeleine Rothberg, Tom Wlodkowski)
- The New England Regional Assistive Technology Exchange (Marion Pawlek, Lee Learson, Laura Miller)
- New Developments in Web-Based Accessible Multimedia (David Bolnick, Geoff Freed)
- New Software Makes Eyetracking Viable: You can Control Computers with Your Eyes (Gregory Edwards)
- A New Versatile Database to Manage AAC Symbol Sequence Customisations (Duane Stapleton, Jenny Faulks, Rob Garrett)
- Old Dogs, New Trick: Biofeedback as Assistive Technology (Chris Van Raalte)
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Tailoring AAC Training for the User (Barbara B. Shadden, Angie Hodges
- Optimizing Reading for Visually Impaired People (Jim Bliss, Peter Young)
- Orange County Department of Education's Assistive Technology Services System (Paul Richard, Philip White)
- An Overview of San Bernardino County Schools Integrating Technology Throughout The Curriculum (Leslie Walker)
- Participant Satisfaction with an Assistive Technology Center: Results from year One (Barbara E. Bromley)
- A Partnership Model for Web Accessibility (Judy Brewer, Daniel Dardailler, Charles P. Letourneau, Masafumi Nakane)
- Playing Around: Using Games to Facilitate Language Development of People who use AAC (Kristen Newman, Linda V. Klotz)
- PLEXTOR is a long playing CD Book Reader for the next generation of "Digital Talking Books" (DTB) (Motoaki Kaneko)
- Portable Speech Accessor (Judy Jackson, Neil Scott)
- The Power of the Internet: Training Speech Pathology Assistants on Indian Reservations (William R. Culbertson, Dennis C. Tanner)
- Prevention of Secondary Injuries for Farmers and Farm Workers with Disabilities (Tracy Keninger)
- PRINT - Non-Impact Printer and Plotter for Braille/Moon and tactile Graphics (Max O. Lange)
- Project Early Warning: Getting the Word Out Through High-Technology Televised Alerts to People who Experience Auditory Processing Difficulties (Candace Low, Joann Babiak)
- The Project LITT Website: Interactive Books on CD-ROM for Students with Learning Disabilities (Rena B. Lewis, Tamarah Ashton)
- Project Smart - Science and Math Access: Resources and Technology (Howard Kimmel, Diana Muldrow, Mark O'Shea, Fadi Deek)
- Providing Assistive Technology Devices and Services for School-Aged Individuals with Disabilities (Paul Richard)
- Quick and Easy Ideas and Materials for Using Classrooom Materials to Teach Academics to Nonverbal Children (Carolyn Rouse, Katera Murphy)
- A Reading System for Digital Recorded Speech (Aurelien Tisne, Bernard Oriola, Nadine Vigouroux, Philippe Truillet)
- Reports from the Field: Special Education and Technology (Mary Cortina, Suzanne Krempa, Carol Fuhrer)
- A Review of Online Education for Students With Print Impairments (Dena Shumila, Janna Shumila
- Right To Technology from Medicaid (Kimberley M. Erickson)
- The Right to Technology Under the Law of Special Education: Advocacy Tips, Special Education Basics, and Assistive Technology Specifics (Diane Smith)
- Scientific Visualization through Tactile Feedback For Visually Impaired Students (Richard R. Jones)
- Semantic Compaction in Both Static and Dynamic Environments: A New Synthesis (Russell Thomas Cross, Bruce R. Baker, Linda Valot Klotz, Arlene Luberoff Badman)
- Signing Avatars (Carol J. Wideman, Edward M. Sims)
- Special Adaptations and Developments of Computer Soft and Hardware for Children and Young Adults with Severe Handicaps as part of the Rehabilitation Process (Fabia Preminger)
- Speech Enabled Web Access: An Instructional Case Study (Paul Jones, Janis Riceberg)
- Speech Recognition - Applications and Limitations for Motor Impaired, learning Disabled, and Speech Impaired Operators (David J. Arnold)
- Stylish Information Access: Cascading Stylesheets on the World Wide Web (Kevin Nguyen, James Allan)
- Surfing the Net: The Three Keys to Universal Access (Beth A. Loy, Linda C. Batiste)
- Surfing the Web With pwWebSpeak (tm) (John De Witt, Mark Hakkinen)
- Switch, Overlay Keyboard and Touch Screen Software for Children and Adults with Profound and Multiple Disabilities (P. Blenkhorn)
- Switches and Joysticks and Mouses Oh My! Alternative Input Methods for Dynavox 2/2C and Dynamyte (Kim Henry)
- Tactile Image Processing With TACFAX (Thorsten Puck)
- Talking Signs (R) Remote Infrared Audible Signage for Transit Stations, Surface Transit, Intersections, and ATMs (Bill Crandall, B.L. Bentzen, Linda Myers
- Teach Me To Talk (Jo Meyer)
- Teaching Computer and Assistive Technology Skills to the Supporters of Physically Disabled People (Bob Allen)
- Teaching Language Concepts to Multihandicapped Deaf Students (Marilyn Brasch, Pam Boespflug)
- Teaching Mathematics to Students with Physical Disabilities using the World Wide Web: The Planemath Program (Lewis E. Kraus)
- Technologies to Support Reading Comprehension in Children with Disabilities (David A. Koppenhaver, Karen A. Erickson)
- Technology for the Visually Impaired: Hi and Lo-Tech Strategies in the Classroom and on the "Classroad" (Elizabeth M. Perrotto, Arthur J. Borgemenke)
- Teleworking At Home: Issues To Maintain Persons With Disabilities At Work - A Follow Up (Francois Lapointe, Danielle Masses, Philippe Mabilleau, Nathalie Beaudoin)
- "TELLY" The Teleassistive Technology Device (Kenalea Johnson, Herbert Janssen, Bobby Green, Darrell Clark)
- "That Was Me!": Applications of the Soundbeam MIDI Controller as a Key to Creative Communication, Learning, Independence and Joy (Tim Swingler)
- Toolkit for Promoting Web Accessibility (Judy Brewer, Daniel Dardailler, Gregg Vanderheiden)
- The Total Access System (Neil G. Scott, J. B. Galan)
- Translating Academic Information into Braille (Terri Hedgpeth)
- TRIANGLE: A Tri-Modal Access Program for Reading, Writing, and Doing Math (John A. Gardner, Randy Lundquist, and Steve Sahyun)
- Tricks and Treats; Tool Box for Computer Access (Jamie Klund, Mark Novak)
- Turned On: Cochlear Implants for Deaf and Hard Hard-ofHearing Persons (Beverly Biderman)
- United We Stand: Setting up an Assistive Devices Industry Association (Chuck Letourneau, Mary Frances Laughton, Deb. Finn)
- Universal Remote Console Communication Protocol (URCC) (Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Chris Law, David Kelso)
- University/Community Program Providing Assistive Technology Devices (Melinda J. Piket-May, Professor James P.Avery)
- University Curruculum Project - Professors Reflect on Impact (Beatrice C. Babbitt)
- Use Of Virtual Reality Techniques To Train Elderly People To Step Over Obstacles (David L. Jaffe)
- Using an Assistive Technology Checklist to Facilitate Good Assessment and Planning (Kelly Jo Lynch, Penny Reed)
- Using Computer-Controlled Laboratory Equipment to Design Accessible Experiments (Karen Milchus)
- Using Morse Code as a Selection Technique for Beginning and Adcanced Users (Cynthia K. Spitler)
- Using Shared Cyberspace for Inclusion of Students with Intensive Disabilities (Alec F. Peck)
- Using Technology to Help Persons with Disabilities Strengthen Their Communication Skills in the Classroom, Community and Marketplace (Fran Goldman)
- Voice Recognition and Students with Writing Disabilities - Does it Work? (Katherine L. Myers)
- Web Accessibility: Progress on the Technical Front (Daniel Dardailler, Judy Brewer)
- Web Site Interaction Design for Children with Disabilities (Luca Cernuzzi, Jaime Sanchez)
- What's New at PRC (Barry A. Romich)
- Working Towards Accessible Java Applications (Wendy Chisholm, Neal Ewers, Mark Novak)
- Writing and Speaking Through Pictures (Yvonne Gillette, Jeri Lynn Hoffman)