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CSUN - March 1998 - Listing of Presentations by Author

Alphabetical Listing of Presentations

Web Posted on: February 24, 1998

Allan, James

Arnold, David

Babbit, Beatrice

  • University Curruculum Project - Professors Reflect on Impact

Patti Bahr

Baker, Bruce R.

Banks, Dick

Barker, Peggy

Barry, James

Bayha, Betsy

Bentzen, B.L.

Bertrand, Dana

Biderman, Beverly

Birkmire, Michael

Bliss, Jim

Borgemenke, Arthur

Brewer, Judy

Bromley, Barbara

Brosnahan, Roberta

Bulatov, Vladimir

Cantor, Alan

Cernuzzi, Luca

Chisholm, Wendy

Crandall, Bill

Cross, Russell Thomas

Cunningham, Carmela

Dardailler, Daniel

Dillon, Don

Doe, Tanis

Egolf, Donald

Ewers, Neal

Fleming, Bruce

Fukuda, Junko

Gardner, Carolyn

  • MATHPLUS Toolbox, A Fully Accessible Math Teaching Environment

Gardner, John A.

Gillette, Yvonne

Goldware, Marjorie

  • AAC Strategies for Yound Children with Vision Impairement and Multiple Disability

Henderson, Judy

Hendrix, Paul

Henry, Kim

Hine, Nick

  • Architectural Issues Governing the Implementation of a Multimedia Portable Communication Device

Hoadley, Barabara

Hoffman, Jeri Lynn

Hohn, Rick

Jenkins, Phill

Kelso, David

Klotz, Linda Valot

Kraus, Lewis

Law, Chris

Letourneau, Charles P.

Lewis, Rena

Luberoff, Arlene

Lundquist, Randy

Lynch, Kelly Jo

  • Using an Assistive Technology Checklist to Facilitate Good Assessment and Planning

Mahaffey, Robert

McClure, Michael D.

Peggi McNairn

Montane, Ioan

Murphy, Harry J.

Murphy, Katera

Myers, Katherine

Myers, Linda

Nakane, Masafumi

Nguyen, Kevin

Newman, Kristen

Noble, Steve

Novak, Mark

Oriola, Bernard

Paul, William F.

Perrotto, Elizabeth

Pledger, Jeff


Porter, Lake

Preminger, Fabia

Preddy, Mark

Raskind, Marshall

Ray, Jennifer

Reed, Penny

  • Using an Assistive Technology Checklist to Facilitate Good Assessment and Planning

Richard, Paul

Rollfs, Deborah

Romich, Barry

Rouse, Carolyn

Sahyun, Steve

Salvo, Leisa

Sanchez, Jaime

Sax, Caren

Schroeder, James

Senge, Jeff

Shumila, Dena

Shumila, Janna

Silver, Marsha

  • AAC Strategies for Young Children with Vision Impairement and Multiple Disability

Sinteff, Beth

Smith, Diane

Smith, Yvonne

Spitler, Cynthia K.

Tanner, David M.

Templer, Kevin

Tisne, Aurelien

Treviranus, Jutta

Truillet, Phillipe

Van Horn, Sonya

Van Raalt, Chris

Vanderheiden, Gregg

Vigouroux, Nadine

Vickery, Leah

White, Philip

Wise, Robbie

Wobschall, Rachel

Wrenn, Mary

Wright, Christine

Young, Peter