in Thailand
National Earthquake Monitoring for Tsunami Early Warning
in Thailand
After big catastrophe on 26 December 2004, the Thai government by Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) had pay more attention to this disaster with develops and expanded seismic station which divided to 2 phases (phase 1 during 2005-2006 and phase 2 on 2006 to 2009) and upgraded all early warning systems (including tsunami warning tower) with purpose to mitigate and vulnerability reduce of earthquake and tsunami hazards. TMD also implement medium and long-term activities plan to develop all seismic network, tide gauge network, and tsunami warning system not only that but also preparedness and educate people in the risk area. Due to the cooperation with international, TMD and NOAA, (USA) are deployed DART buoy in the Indian Ocean for tsunami early warning to countries at the Indian Ocean's rim.
Keywords: Tsunami, Earthquake, Early warning System