Presentation(HTML Version) : Introduction of Bethel System
Kohei Yamane,
Urakawa Bethel's House
Index of Slides
- Participation in Reinvention of Safe and Caring Urakawa Town; A View of Psychiatry users Group "Bethel's House"
- A Person Suffering from Schizophrenia is Working as a Head of the Company and Welfare Facilities.
- My Auditory Hallucination
- Philosophy of Bethel House
- Tokachi-Offshore Earthquake Sep 26, 2003: 6:08
- The Damage of Tokachi-Offshore Earthquake
- What Did You Do Right After the Earthquake?
- Condition right after the earthquake
- Good Changes in Bethel House
- 1.Changes in Morning Meetings
- Sea in Front of the Shi'osai House
- 2.Utilization of Internet
- 2.Utilization of DAISY
- 3.Identifying Evacuation Routes and Sites
- 4. Changes in Relationship with Neighbors: Story 1
- 4. Changes in Relationship with Neighbors: Story 2
- For the Future
- Conclusion