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Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Support for People with Disabilities
Activities and Proposals of the Japan Disability Forum and Related Organizations

Japan Disability Forum (JDF)
March 2015



Section 1 Activity Record

1. Activities of the Japan Disability Forum (JDF)

Interim Report on JDF Support Activities and Proposals

Activities by the JDF Headquarters for Comprehensive Support

JDF Miyagi Support Center

JDF Support Center Fukushima

JDF Iwate Headquarters

2. Activities of Related Organizations

Headquarters to Provide Support for Blind People

Central Headquarters for Disaster Relief for Deaf People

Relief Headquarters for Persons with Disabilities

Association for Aid and Relief, Japan

The Nippon Foundation

Side Comment: From My Experience at the Workshop Affected by the Disaster

Section 2 Proposals by Disability Organizations

1. Japan Disability Forum Members

National Federation of Organization for the Disabled Persons

Japan Federation of the Blind

Japanese Federation of the Deaf

Japan Council on Disability (JD)

Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International (DPI-Japan)

Spinal Injuries Japan

National Federation of Mental Health and Welfare Party in Japan

Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People

Japan Deafblind Association

All Japan Association of Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened People

2. Proposals by Related Organizations


National Federation of the Physically Disabled and their Parents Associations

Japan Association of Kidney Disease Patients (Zenjinkyo)

Japan ALS Association

Japan Ostomy Association

Japan Muscular Dystrophy Association

Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists

Japanese Association of Psychiatric Social Workers

Japan Epilepsy Association (Nami-no-Kai)

Japan Patients Association

Japan Traumatic Brain Injury Association

Japan Developmental Disorders Network (JDDnet)

Japanese Physical Therapy Association