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TWGDC - Forth session, 24 June 2002 Bangkok


8 July 2002





Fourth session

24 June 2002

United Nations Conference Centre


Minutes of the Forth session of the Thematic Working Group on Disability-related Concerns(TWGDC)


  1. The fourth session of the Thematic Working Group on Disability-related Concerns (TWGDC) was opened by the Chief of the ESCAP Social Development Division, Ms. Lim Kim-Lan. In her opening statement, the Chief informed the Working Group that the 58th session of the ESCAP Commission, meeting in May 2002, had adopted resolution 58/4, titled "Promoting an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for people with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region in the twenty-first century". That resolution, inter alia, proclaimed the extension of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, for another decade, 2003-2012, with a view to giving further impetus to the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Person in the ESCAP region beyond 2002. The Chief urged all members of the TWGDC to participate actively in the High-level Meeting to Conclude the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, to be held in Japan in October 2002.

  2. The fourth session of the TWGDC was co-chaired by Mr. Hiroshi Kawamura, Japanese Society for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disability (JSRPD), and Mr. Yutaka Takamine, Social Development Division, ESCAP. Representatives of nine governments, ESCAP, five United Nations bodies and specialized agencies and 18 non-governmental organizations participated in the Meeting. The list of participants is attached as Annex I.


  3. The TWGDC adopted the following agenda:

    1. Meetings of Task Forces

      1. Information and Communication Technology(ICT)

      2. Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities(EFA)

      3. Entrepreneurial Training, Small Business and Income Generation Activity and Development (Entrepreneurship), including Self-employment

      4. East Timor

    2. Opening session(plenary)

    3. Adoption of the agenda

    4. Confirmation of Minutes of the third session of the Thematic Working Group on Disability-Related Concerns, held 10 December 2002

    5. Matters arising from the Minutes

    6. Review of implementation of the Agenda for Action the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons

    7. Report on planning of the International Forum on Disabilities to Mark the End Year of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, Japan,2002

    8. Report on planning of the High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Conclude the Asian and Pacific Decade, Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, 2002

    9. Framework for action beyond 2002

    10. Task Force action reports

    11. Other matters


  4. The ESCAP secretariat presented the minutes of the third session of the TWGDC, held at Hanoi on 10 December 2001. The Meeting corrected the minutes to indicate that the period of the African Decade of Disabled Persons was 2000-2009.

  5. In the section on recommendations concerning the post ?Decade framework, the phrase with Campaigns held on a biennial basis, once in each of the five sub-regions during the period of the Decade" was deleted so as no to unduly constrain the planning of the Campaigns. In the same section, the sentence "Contain a mechanism whereby the TWGDC would develop a Regional Disability Alliance to strengthen sub-regional cooperation and collaboration among regional member states, and promote inter-regional coordination cooperation and collaboration" was also deleted, as the Meeting noted that the TWGDC itself constituted such a mechanism and that the sentence could cause confusion with the International Disability Alliance.


  6. Ms Lim informed the TWGDC that the Heads of Agency Meeting, which provides oversight to all the Thematic Working Groups, had conducted a review of the functioning of the TWGs in April 2002. It noted the importance of the issues dealt with by the TWGDC but that it had only held three meetings since its inception. The fifth session of the TWGDC will be held in December 2002, and will coincide with the end of the time frame of 18-24 months set for all Thematic Working Groups. Ms Lim suggested that it would be timely at this point for the Group to review its work and achievements to date, and to consider the need or otherwise of its future functioning as a thematic working group under the auspices of the Heads of the Agency Regional Coordination Mechanism.

  7. The TWGDC reported that the Working Group had played a significant role in coordinating the achievements of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons since its inception in December 2002 and planning for evaluation and preparation for the conclusion of the Decade. It noted the unique qualities of this particular working group, namely the large and active membership of United Nations agencies, Governments and NGO's, including organizations of and for people with disabilities from throughout the region. As participation was self-funded, more frequent meetings would pose financial hardship but the group was continually active through its four Task Force networks, on education, entrepreneurial activity, ICT and East Timor.

  8. The TWGDC unanimously recommended that, in view of extension of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons to 2003-2012, its continuation should be ensured beyond December 2002 to enable it to continue to play significant coordinating role in the implementation of the new Decade framework.


  9. The ESCAP secretariat presented of a draft of a paper on the evaluation of achievements of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002. The Meeting noted that the review was based on responses supplied by 32 countries to an ESCAP questionnaire. The review indicated that significant achievements had been made in some of the policy areas of the Agenda for Action. These included national coordination, legislation and policy; training and employment; prevention of causes of disability and self-help organizations of disable persons.

    Sub-regional implementation of the Agenda for Action had been uneven and major areas of concern included the continuing lack of comprehensive data on people with disabilities, and the extremely low rate of access to education for children with disabilities in the region.

  10. As the review paper was based on national implementation of the Agenda for Action, the Meeting recommended that it be supplemented by information on regional level actions in implementation by United Nations agencies and NGOs. United Nations agencies and NGOs could also provide additional information about activities at the country level. The United Nations agencies present agreed to furnish additional inputs to the review, particularly for the section on regional cooperation.

  11. The Meeting also noted that the review was largely quantitative, in listing the number of countries that had made specific achievements. It stressed that the review should be more qualitative and analytical in interpreting the impacts of implementation of the Agenda for Action. The Meeting also stressed that NGOs of persons with disabilities often were not adequately involved in national policy making, planning and programme implementation. It also noted that Pacific island countries were often under-represented in regional activities, including in the series of Campaigns and meeting of the TWGDC.

  12. The Meeting recommended that the review of the achievements of the Agenda for Action should cite the valuable function performed by the TWGDC and that the report should call for an extension of the period of operation of the TWGDC.


  13. Mr. Ryosuke Matsui, Vice President, Rehabilitation International, the Asia and Pacific Region (RI/AP), reported on preparations for the International Forum on Disabilities to Mark the End Year of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, to be held at various locations in Japan in October 2002. As part of the International Forum, the Osaka Forum, to be held from 21 to 23 October 2002 in Osaka, includes four core conferences:

    • The 12th Rehabilitation International Asian and Pacific Regional Conference

    • The Campaign 2002 to Promote the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons

    • The 25th National Rehabilitation Conference

    • International Research Meeting on Vocational Rehabilitation

  14. Other important related meetings that will take place as part of the International Forum are:

    • The 6th World Assembly of Disabled People's International, 15-18 October 2002, Sapporo

    • Rehabilitation International Executive Committee Meeting, 17-18 October 2002, Sapporo

    • Rehabilitation International General Assembly Meeting, 19-20 October 2002, Osaka

    • Regional NGO Network General Meeting, 20 October 2002, Osaka

  15. The Osaka Forum will constitute a partnership for disability rights. It will discuss a mechanism for regional networking, with the main theme being the elaboration of a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. An Osaka Appeal will be addressed to the High-level Intergovernmental Meeting. Campaign 2002 will evaluate the achievements of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002 and propose an action plan for new Decade.


  16. The ESCAP secretariat presented information on plans for High-level Intergovernmental Meeting. The main agenda items for the High-level Meeting will be (a) Review of the achievements of the implementation of the Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, as being prepared by ESCAP, (b) Presentations on highlights in implementation of the Agenda for Action, (c)Consideration of a Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region, and (d) Adoption of the report, including the Biwako Millennium Framework.

  17. The Meeting agreed that ESCAP should suggest that governments include persons with disabilities and representatives of NGOs of persons with disabilities in their delegations to the High-level Meeting. It also recommended that the review of the implementation of the Agenda for Action should note gaps, remaining challenges and lessons learned, as well as achievements. The Meetings suggested that the High-level Meeting give attention to efforts to elaborate a comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.


  18. The outline of a possible Biwako millennium framework for action towards an inclusive, barrier-free and right-based society for persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region was discussed by the Thematic Working Group. The framework would be consistent with the existing international and regional mandates concerning persons with disabilities, but would emphasize basic principles and strategies for achieving the specified targets. The new framework would also be developed in the context of the Millennium Development Goals and Targets, specifying their application for persons with disabilities.

  19. The Thematic Working Group discussed the possible title and the content of the future framework. DIP representatives preferred to use the term "free form barriers" rather than " barrier free", to reflect that barriers are not only physical but also institutional, social and cultural. Some representatives felt that equalization of opportunities was a more specific objective than empowerment in the section on community-based rehabilitation. The WHO representative stated that disability due to chronic diseases should be explicitly included. The FAO representative stressed that food security was an essential element in poverty reduction and that the framework needed a greater emphasis on persons with disabilities in rural areas. The Meeting also urged that the need for supporting efforts for an international convention to promote and the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities be included in the framework for action.


    A.Information and communication technology(ICT)

  20. The ICT Task Force informed the Meeting that, in close collaboration with ESCAP, the Government of Thailand, local NGOs and other international organizations, it had organized the ICT Accessibility Seminar for People with Disabilities at Bangkok form 20 to 22 June 2002. The Seminar was the first of its kind held in the region. The ICT Task Force introduced to the Meeting its recommendations of the Seminar, titled Recommendations on Policy/Legislative Guidelines Concerning Information and Communication Technology(ICT) Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region The recommendations emphasized that access to information and communication should be a basic human right and not be prevented by copyright laws. International standards and guidelines should maintain information and communication as universal, open and non-proprietary. The Task Force report stressed that organizations of persons with disabilities should be involved in all ICT development activities. The Meeting endorsed the recommendations adopted by the ICT Task Force Seminar. The Meeting noted that agricultural cooperatives could be an effective channel for reaching all rural population for development activities. The Meeting also urged that ICT workshops and meetings of the Task Force be held in the Pacific. It recommended that the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability should conduct sub-regional workshop. The report of the Task Force on ICT is attached as Annex II.

    B.Education for all children and youth with disabilities(EFA)

  21. The Task Force reported that a letter had been sent by ESCAP to national coordinators of EFA in the region, emphasizing the need to promote education for children with disabilities within the framework of inclusive education as part of the EFA movement. This initiative had been enclosed by the TWGDC at its meeting in Hanoi on 9 December 2002.

  22. The Meeting had noted that education was one of the key strategic areas identified for action in the extended the Asian and Pacific Decade for Disabled Persons, proclaimed in resolution 58/4. Goals and strategies to achieve increased access to quality education for children and youth with disabilities in Asian and Pacific region during the next Decade, 2003-2012, were discussed. The report of the Task Force emphasized the need for early intervention for children with disabilities and for inclusive education. The Meeting discussed the concept of inclusive education and agreed that it implied at least that children with disabilities were not treated with discrimination in achieving access to education. Inclusive education needed to take into different types of disability and the range in levels of economic development within the region and within countries, however. It noted that the period of the Millennium Framework for Action was concurrent with that of the International Literacy Decade, which provided opportunities to work with the Literacy Decade to benefit persons with disabilities. The report of the Task Force is attached as Annex III.

    C.Entrepreneurial training, small business and income generation activity and development, including self-employment

  23. The Task Force indicated that it wished to establish a system whereby case studies could be entered directly onto the Web site in order to assist others to replicate good practices. The Task Force sought some assistance to establish and maintain that system. The Task Force was also working to development guidelines mainstreaming persons with disabilities in vocational and self-employment training. The report of the Task Force is attached as Annex VI.

    D.East Timor

  24. The Task Force on East Timor reported that the newly created Constitution created Constitution of East Timor contained an article providing for the equal rights of persons with disabilities. The Meeting noted that Mr. Joseph Kwok, Vice Chairman of RI/AP would soon carry out a mission to East Timor. The Meeting inquired whether government support was effectively reaching persons with disabilities in East Timor and whether the Task Force should attempt any method of direct support. The report of the Task Force on East Timor is attached as Annex V.


  25. The TWGDC agreed to include Disabled Peoples' International as a co-Chair of the Working Group. The Meeting recommended that responsibility for changing meetings be rotated, with the proviso that the Chair proposed by each organization be able to conduct the meeting competently and efficiently.

  26. The TWGDC agreed that its fifth session should be held in December 2002.

    The ESCAP secretariat would propose a date in consultation with the co-chir.