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TWGDC 8th session 15-16 June 2004


19 July 2004


Eighth Session
15-16 June 2004
United Nations Conference Centre






Annex II (a): Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Annex II (b): Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities (EFA)

Annex II (c): Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment and Poverty Alleviation

Annex II (d): Women with Disabilities (WWD)

Annex II (e): Self-help Organizations (SHOs)

Annex II (f): Timor Leste and Afghanistan

Annex II (g): Proposed International Convention on Persons with Disabilities




Mr Jerry Huguet, Chief, Population and Social Integration Section (PSIS), Emerging Social issues Division (ESID) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP), on behalf of Ms Thelma Kay, Chief, ESID, opened the Eighth Session of the Thematic Working Group on Disability-related Concerns (TWG-DC) with a welcome statement.

Mr Huguet said that a significant part of UNESCAP work in 2004 was focused on the elaboration process towards a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. Prior to the Eighth Session of the TWG-DC, an UNESCAP representative attended the Third Session of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, held in New York, from 24 May to 4 June 2004. At this Committee, Members States discussed a draft text, developed by the special Working Group, which was composed of 27 Governments and 12 NGOs worldwide. The Working Group was held in New York in January 2004 with full representations of persons with disabilities.

Mr Huguet commended the Asia Pacific Disability Forum (APDF), which was inaugurated in November 2003, and had successfully completed its First Session of the Executive Committee in Bangkok on 14 June 2004. He also welcomed the attendance of Ms Judy Wee, the Chairperson of the APDF, at the Eighth Session of the TWG-DC.

Mr Huguet concluded his speech by stating that 46 Member States in the UNESCAP region have signed the Proclamation of the Full Participation and Equality of People with Disabilities. He extended his gratitude towards the attendance of Ms. Yalcin, a representative of the Government of Turkey, which is among one of three most recent three signatory countries besides Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste.

The Eighth Session of the TWG-DC was by chaired by Ms Judy Wee, the Chairperson of the APDF, and was attended by a total of 75 participants: 22 representatives of 14 Governments; 7 from 5 United Nations specialized agencies; and 46 representatives from 25 non-governmental organizations. The list of participants is attached as Annex I.


The TWG-DC adopted the following agenda.

A. Meetings of Task Forces:
(a) Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
(b) Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities (EFA)
(c) Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment and Poverty Alleviation
(d) Women with Disabilities (WWD)
(e) Self-help Organizations (SHOs)
(f) Timor Leste and Afghanistan
(g) Proposed International Convention on Persons with Disabilities

B. Plenary session:
1. Welcome statement of Mr Jerrold Huguet, Chief, Population and Social Integration Section, Emerging Social Issues
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Confirmation of the minutes of the Seventh Session of the Thematic Working Group on Disability-Related Concerns, 1-2 December 2003.
4. Matters arising from the minutes

5. Task Force action reports

6. Reports of the APDF on its First Session of the Executive Committee

7. Reports of specific action plans towards implementation of the BMF to December 2004 (UNESCAP, ILO, WHO)

8. Other matters (Logo, TWGDC/BMF questionnaires etc.,)


The minutes of the Seventh Session of the TWGDC, held in Bangkok, from 1 to 3 December 2003, were adopted with minor changes.


There was no matter arising from the minutes of the Seventh Session after the minor amendments.


Brief reports were presented from the seven Task Forces listed in the agenda. Full Task Force minutes are presented in the Annex II.

a. Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Mr Buntan, the Chairperson of the Task Force, reported that the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held in Geneva, December 2003 with two resulting documents: 1) Declaration of Principles and 2) Plan of Action. He pointed out that the Article 25 of the Declaration of Principles and many paragraphs in the Plan of Action (Paragraph 9 and 10 on research, Paragraph 20 on employment, Paragraph 24 on cultural information and Paragraph 28 E on web accessibility) refer to concepts of assistive devices and the universal design.

Mr Buntan also said that a side event, “The Global Forum on Disability in the Information Society,” sponsored by the DAISY Consortium and co-organized by NGOs the WSIS Secretariat, was significant because it provided the audience with disability perspectives of accessibility. This Forum adopted the Geneva Declaration. A copy of the Declaration is attached as Annex IV.

As discussed at the last Session of the Task Force, the importance of conducting a survey to facilitate implementation of the BMF targets in an area of information accessibility was reaffirmed. Mr Hisao Chiba of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) submitted a draft of a survey. The Task Force discussed who would be able to provide the necessary resources to materialize the plan and what would be a good mechanism to conduct this survey.

One of the mechanisms seriously considered was to elicit support from the APCD Executives and an appropriate focal point from the Government of Thailand. The Task Force agreed that it would be worthy of an attempt. In order to succeed with such an attempt, the Task Force decided that matters related to the survey be endorsed by the TWG-DC plenary session, prior to its presentation to the APCD Executives.

b. Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities (EFA).

The Task Force discussed recent activities that members had participated in promoting education for all including children with disabilities. One of the most recent events was the Ministerial Forum, held in Bangkok from 26 to 29 May 2004, in which the topic of the first plenary session was inclusive Education. The Task Force members made presentations at the SEAMEO-UNESCO Education Congress and its Expo. During the session, the Ministerial representatives from Brunei Darussalam and Viet Nam reported their initiatives in this area.

The Task Force had initial discussions on modalities and terms of reference for the Flagship Regional Working Group for Asia and Pacific under the Flagship on the Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities. Modalities of its developments and operation need to be clarified and the next session of the Task Force discuss this matter further.

Collaboration between this Task Force and the Task Force on Education for All (TF EFA) under UNESCO was commended and reaffirmed. Two representatives from UNESCO attended this Task Force and gave an update on their recently completed projects such as “Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments.”

The Inclusive Education Regional Workshop will be hosted by UNESCO Bangkok and held in Bangkok from 19 to 21 October 2004 to commemorate the Salamanca Conference on Inclusive Education (1994) +10, in conjunction with the East and Southeast Asian National EFA Coordinators Annual Meeting. Participation of members of the Task Force was encouraged.

Continuing advocacy efforts to mainstream disabled education were coordinated, including one for the forthcoming International Conference on Managing Teacher Education for Excellence, to be held in Bangkok from 11 to 14 July 2004.

c. Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment and Poverty Alleviation

The Task Force first clarified that its name should be “Task Force on Employment and Poverty Alleviation” to reflect income-generation aspect of poverty alleviation.

The Task Force decided to have an employment /multinational roundtable meeting in June 2005 in conjunction with the scheduled the Tenth Session of the TWG-DC in 2005. The objective of the meeting is to have a constructive dialogue between members and multinationals to explore ways of implementing the BMF employment related goals.
The Task Force updated the ratification status of ILO Convention 159 and compared it to the BMF goal, which is to have minimum 30 percent of signatories ratify the Convention by 2012. A representative from the ILO reported that, at the beginning of the Decade, 19.5 per cent of signatories of the Proclamation (eight countries) had ratified it. But since then, three countries became signatories and Turkey was added to the list of ratifying countries of the ILO Convention. Thus, as of June 2004, the figure is 20.5 percent (nine countries).

The need for Governments to be a model employer will be further discussed at the next session of the Task Force or through the Task Force list-serve. Other issues, including issues on the effective use of interns to implement the Task Force actions, a linkage with the Task Force on Education for All Children with Disabilities, issues concerning a proposed UN Convention, the need to address issues on informal employment, will also be discussed at the next session.
A newly produced video by IBM, “Help Wanted” was shown at the end of the Task Force with positive feedback.

d. Women with disabilities (WWD).

Ms Supattraporn Tanatikom, the Chairperson of the Task Force, reported on a development of a list of women with disabilities and its supporters within the UNESCAP region and worldwide. The list currently has approximately 100 persons, and this will be utilized as a list-serve for pro-active information exchange.

The Task Force reported recent activities that members took part in, including participation in the International Women’s Day, held on 8 March 2004, and World Youth Peace Summit, held from 25 to 29 February 2004. Both events were held in Bangkok.

The Task Force examined some country reports on the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and National Action Plans from disabled women’s perspective. It reaffirmed the importance of NGO’s involvement in report formulation process and of integrating disabled women’s issues into mainstream gender development activities.

Mr Michael Chai, a representative from the Gender and Development Section (GAD), ESID of the UNESCAP joined the Task Force members and together discussed possible means of contribution to the UNESCAP High-level Inter-governmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly, to be held in Bangkok from 7 to 10 September 2004. The GAD organizes this Review Meeting and Mr Chai said that presenting an effective statement at the plenary, participation as a panelist in a session, holding a side event might be among most effective means of the Task Force contribution.

The Task Force agreed that most effective and strategic means might be presence of women with disabilities in the Review Meeting. However, furthering of details and the final decision were deferred to the Chairperson and the Task Force facilitators with a promise to update information to the Task Force members.

The Task Force decided to seek endorsement from the TWG-DC plenary to reaffirm the Task Force’s continuing efforts to mainstream disabled women’s issues in gender development activities, both at regional and global level.

e. Self-help Organizations (SHOs).

The Task Force re-examined definitions of SHO. Mr Topong Kulkhanchit, the Chairperson, clarified a difference between organization of persons with disabilities and organizations for persons with disabilities, and emphasized the importance of consumer-oriented philosophy. The Task Force discussed issues related to successful formation and sustainable development of self-help organizations. Members agreed that persons with disabilities in developing countries could not embark on advocacy without establishing sustainable livelihood first. Thus, self-help movement in the UNESCAP region may involve two aspects: income-generation activities (economic activities, fund raising etc.,) and advocacy.
The Task Force concluded that that sustainable development of SHOs and self-help groups is a challenge and the above-mentioned two aspects need to be well balanced. This topic will be translated into pro-active discussions at the next session of the Task Force.

f. Timor Leste and Afghanistan

The Task Force meeting began with a report on the recent developments in Timor Lester and Afghanistan. (Timor Leste) An ILO representative reported on a project, “Skills Training for Gainful Employment,” with an approximate budget of five million dollars for duration of five years. Secretary of the State for Labour and Solidarity of Timor Leste Government is a counter part of this project, and it will utilize an integration approach aiming at 5% target, as seen in good practice of Cambodia. Both unskilled citizens and State Secretariat will benefit from this project. Mr Joseph Kwok, Vice Chairman of Rehabilitation International Regional Committee for Asia and Pacific, explained the second phase of a collaboration project between Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Timor Leste. This was a training of trainers, which was just completed in January 2004 and participated by NGOs on CBR and Timor Leste Government officials. KATILOSA and the State for Labor and Solidarity were local organizing partners of the training, and it was conducted with a local language without the need for translation. A CBR center in Solo, Indonesia, provided consultancy. Currently, further collaborations between the Solo Center and Governments are actively pursued, particularly in areas of CBR and income-generation. Funds are being raised through Mr Kwok.

(Afghanistan) ILO reported that an in-country adviser to Afghanistan is a newly created post in Kabul and is now calling for candidate. The Task Force decided to change its name from the current one to “Task Force on Post Conflict Countries” with new terms of reference. The Task Force also decided on seeking a consensus from the TWG-DC plenary on this name change.
g. Proposed International Convention on Persons with Disabilities. A member of the Task Force, Ms Kay Nagata of the UN ESCAP made an extensive report on procedural and substantive issues from the Third Session of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, held in New York, from 24 May to 4 June 2004. Ms Nagata reported that the Ad Hoc Committee conducted its first reading of a draft text out of the Working Group and discussed such issues as reasonable accommodations and inclusion of women-specific articles in the Convention. The Third Session, however, deferred the consideration of a title, the structure, the preamble, definition and monitoring sections of the draft to the Fourth Session, which will be held in New York from 23 August to 3 September 2004.

The only official outcome document, namely, “Proposed Modifications on the Draft Text of the Convention as of 6pm, 4 June,” the Final Document of the Committee, (available to the Task Force on 15 June) included only governments interventions but without comments made by NGOs and UN agencies. At this point, it seems that the forthcoming convention elaboration process will be more government-focused.

The Task Force decided that it would utilize the Bangkok Draft both as a point of departure and a still valid document at the UNESCAP region. It was decided that an UN ESCAP/APDF Workshop on Regional Follow-up to the Third and Fourth Sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities would be held in Bangkok from 11 from 12 October 2004 with an aim to provide a regional forum for formulating strategies and innovative methodologies to effectively lobby Governments in the future convention-elaborating process.

The Task Force reaffirmed the significance of the Workshop and recommended that a series of constructive dialogue between Government officials (representing diverse ministries) and NGOs, as seen in a case of Japan, should be introduced as a good practice.


The First Session of the APDF Executive Committee: Implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific was held in Bangkok on 14 June 2004. Mr. J.B Munro, Vice Chair of the APDF, reported on its historical background and latest development as follows:

“The APDF was born at the time of the launch in October 2002 of the BMF when the Governments of the region agreed to support people with disabilities through the setting of several key targets in line with the UN Millennium Goals. The APDF (Asia Pacific Disability Forum) has as its primary aim of promoting and evaluating of progress in the attaining of the BMF Goals. In the previous Decade, the RNN (Regional Network of NGOs) was the collective voice of organizations of and for people with disabilities and the APDF assumed its mantle for the Second Decade (2003-2012). The APDF had its first General Assembly in Singapore last November (2003) and an Executive Committee was elected for a two-year term. At the General Assembly the Singapore Declaration was issued as the summary of the general Assembly considerations. A copy is attached with this report.

The elected Executive Committee had a face-to-face meeting in Singapore following the General Assembly, a chat room meeting February and a further face-to-face meeting here on Monday of this week. We may have our next meeting as a Teleconference one as we try and find the best way to communicate without incurring significant costs. The APDF seeks partnership with UNESCAP through TWG-DC to promote and influence the attaining of the BMF goals and the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons as well as the widespread application of the Standard Rules.

While the RNN had as its structure, one organization per country plus the International Disability agencies in the region – the APDF is seeking a mass membership of agencies of all countries in the Region. The APDF has set a membership fee per organization of $US 50 per year paid as $US 100 for two years. One of the tasks agreed by the APDF Executive was for us to encourage the enrolment of SHOs and NGOs across the region. We need to obtain the mailing addresses of such organizations and need the help and cooperation of everyone. The APDF has deferred until a later date the suggestion that individuals may join the APDF as an Associate member. The Executive did agree that all former members of RNN would have until 30 September 2004 to join the APDF otherwise a fresh application will become necessary.

It had been agreed, at the 2003 General Assembly, that we would endeavor to have a General Assembly every two years and would invite countries to host such an Assembly. The Executive Committee agreed on Monday that the offer of Disability Australia Inc. to host the next General Assembly in Melbourne Australia be accepted. The Executive Committee also agreed to invite UNESCAP to have its TWG-DC meeting, planned for the second half of 2005, in Melbourne along with the General Assembly and thus avoids a duplication of travel. Our meeting last Monday welcomed representatives from the Asia Pacific Development Centre on Disability (APCD) and hear of their hopes and aspirations. The discussions emphasized the need for APCD, the APDF, UNESCAP and its TWGDC to work closely together. APCD is planning to establish an International Advisory Board to support the staff of APCD in its programme development. The building to house APCD is currently under construction. This joint Thai/Japan Government project is expected to be completed by the end of 2004.

The APDF communication material including an appropriate logo to embrace our aim of promoting, participating in and evaluating the progress by Governments of the BMF needs to be developed and suggestions would be most welcome. Please contact eueno@dinf.ne.jp which is the contact address of the APDF.”

After this statement, Mr Munro announced that the UNESCAP and the APDF would co-organize a Workshop on Regional Follow-up to the Third and Fourth Sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, to be held in Bangkok from 11 to 12 October 2004. As explained in a report from the Task Force on Proposed International Convention, the Workshop aims at providing a regional forum in which Governments and NGOs work together in the negotiation process towards the proposed international convention. It will be organized in conjunction with and prior to the Regional Workshop on Monitoring the Implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (BMF), to be held in Bangkok from 13 from 15 October 2004.



The UNESCAP Secretariat explained about focused areas of its BMF related activities in 2004: 1) poverty alleviation; 2) promotion of a rights-based approach; 3) disability statistics/definition; 4) strengthening CBR; 5) cooperation and networking including regional cooperation and inter-regional cooperation; 6) monitoring and review.

For “poverty alleviation,” there will be a Field Study cum Regional Workshop on Poverty Alleviation among Persons with Disabilities, held in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China from 25 to 29 October 2004, co-organized by the UNESCAP and the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF). Following that, from 29 to 30 November 2004, a second phase of the same Workshop will be held again in collaboration with the CDPF but at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok. This second phase Workshop partially emphasizes “strengthening CBR” which aims at income-generation of persons with disabilities and community initiative. These activities will take place immediately prior to the scheduled Ninth Session of the TWG-DC, to be held from 1 to 2 December 2004.

For “a rights-based approach,” as already announced, the UNESCAP and the APDF will co-organize a Workshop on Regional Follow-up to the Third and Fourth Sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities in Bangkok from 11 to 12 October 2004.
For “cooperation and networking,” the UNESCAP continues to play its active roles in the TWG-DC and work with the APDF and APCD. One of its joint activities is the above-mentioned Workshop on the Convention with the APDF in October. Prior to that, the UNESCAP and the APCD will co-organize South-South Dialogue: Decade Activities in Bangkok on 17 August 2004. This particular activity is held in view of the Arab Decade of Disabled Persons (2004-2013) and the African Decade of Disabled Persons (2000-2009), and it will enhance inter-regional cooperation. Experts from these regions will participate in this event.
As for “monitoring and review,” the UNESCAP plans on a Regional Workshop on Monitoring the Implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (BMF), to be held in Bangkok, from 13 to 15 October 2004. This Workshop aims at providing training for Governments and experts to be able to establish and implement effective national disability policies, in line with the BMF goals and their implementation indicators.

For “disability statistics/definitions,” UNESCAP Statistic Division described purposes and contents of Workshop for Improving Disability Statistics and Measurement. This is a two-year (2004-2005) project aimed at improving statistical capacities in the collection and production of disability data in developing countries in the region, through a series of workshops. The first Workshop was just completed in Bangkok from 24 to 28 May 2004, and the participating countries are now with actions plans on disability data collection. According to the Division, at this point within the Asian and Pacific region, only Australia and New Zealand governments are fully integrating International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in their practice of disability data collection and production.

In September 2004, there will be a second phase of the Workshop, aimed at reporting progress on action plans, discussion on standard questions and modules, further training in question formulation, testing and interview techniques and bringing existing registers in line with ICF.


ILO implementation of the BMF targets fall under three means of action: knowledge; advocacy; and technical cooperation. Ms Debra Perry, Senior Specialist in Vocational Rehabilitation for the Asian and Pacific Region of the ILO, reported on progress made since January 2003 in each of the three means.

Under the “knowledge” category, ILO initiated several research/publication projects both at a regional and a head quarter levels including “Moving Forward: Toward Decent Work for People with Disabilities---Examples of Good Practices in Vocational Training and Employment from Asia and the Pacific.”

Under the “advocacy” category, ILO promotes their disability-specific international standards such as ILO Convention 159.

Under “technical cooperation,” ILO has engaged in meetings, trainings and capacity-building initiatives that would facilitate the BMF implementation. For example, it demonstrated use of informal apprenticeships though “Alleviating Poverty through Peer Training” in Cambodia and working with its Governments for development of action plans. It is currently working with a British NGO, “Remploy,” that aims at establishing contractual relations with companies and workshops with disabled employees in the Asian and Pacific region.

Ms Perry said that it would continue to work within their capacity and by taking up active roles in the TWG-DC.


Mr Chapal Khasnabis, Technical Officer of Disability and Rehabilitation (DAR) team of WHO in Geneva, reported on their situation analysis of persons with disabilities and their planned actions. He pointed out that even today the majority of people with disabilities in developing countries do not have access to simple white cane, hearing aids, crutches, wheelchair, mobility aids, orthoses and prostheses.

To improve the situation, WHO has many initiatives including advocacy for its Member States to mainstream disability in their health-related projects and programmes, monitoring of implementation of the UN Standard Rules, development of a tool on early intervention and collaboration with other UN organizations, disabled people’s organizations, NGOs and universities.

Mr Khasnabis emphasized that WHO DAR holds a view that persons with disabilities are equal to other non-disabled citizens in society, thus they should not be excluded from any health related as in areas of adolescent health, sexual and reproductive health.



A Task Force on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) explained that they would like to implement a region-wide survey on information accessibility area. The Task Force sought and obtained endorsement from the TWG-DC plenary regarding the survey’s intended purpose.

Ms Debra Perry of ILO, the Chairperson of the Task Force on Employment and Poverty Alleviation, sought and obtained an endorsement from the TWG-DC plenary regarding its holding of an employment/multinational roundtable meeting in collaboration with the Task Force on Employment and Poverty Alleviation of the TWG-DC. This meeting is planned in conjunction with Tenth Session of the TWG-DC, to be held in June 2005.

A Task Force on Women with Disabilities sought and obtained an endorsement from the TWG-DC plenary regarding its efforts to mainstream disabled women’s issues into gender development activities both at the regional and the international levels. This includes participation in the UNESCAP High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly, to be held in Bangkok from 7 to 10 September 2004.

A Task Force on Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities (EFA) and the Chairperson of the Task Force on Employment and Poverty Alleviation requested that the duration of their Task Force meetings in the forthcoming Ninth Session of the TWG-DC be extended to 3- 4 hours in order to have better discussion results. In its connection, one participant proposed to extend duration of the TWG-DC meeting itself to three days.

The UNESCAP Secretariat reported that programming this year was already tight: 29 to 30 November 2004 is already blocked for the Second Phase Workshop on Poverty Alleviation and Community Initiative; 1 to 2 December 2004 is blocked for the Ninth Session of the TWG-DC; and 3 December 2004 is blocked for an event on the International Day of Disabled Persons.

It was decided that, at the Ninth Session of the TWG-DC, the Task Force on Employment and Poverty Alleviation and the Task Force on Education for All Children and Youth with Disabilities (EFA) would be convened from 0800 hours to 1100 hours with a shorter lunch break. The rest of the Task Force meetings would follow the same. This would be tried on an experimental basis, and an appropriate next-step decision will be made later on.

Given that the TWG-DC can meet only on a biannual basis and its participants finance themselves for its attendance, the TWG-DC plenary emphasized the importance of ongoing on-line communication through list-serves and e-mails among TWG-DC members.

APDF Logo for the current Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012.

At the next APDF Executive Committee, scheduled to be held in Bangkok on 28 November 2004 (immediately before the next Ninth Session of the TWG-DC), a discussion to finalize the logo for the current Asian Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (2003-2012) will be held. Its decision will be reported at the Ninth Session of the TWG-DC.

Date of the Ninth Session of the TWG-DC. An agreement was reached that this would be scheduled from 1 to 2 December 2004 in Bangkok. It will take place immediately after the above-mentioned the Executive Committee of the APDF (to be held in Bangkok on 28 November 2004), the Second Phase Workshop on Poverty Alleviation and Community Initiative (to be held in Bangkok from 29 to 30 November 2004), and immediately before a commemorative event for the International Day of Disabled Persons (to be held in Bangkok on 3 December 2004).

Venue of the Eleventh Session of the TWG-DC. The UNESCAP will seriously consider the invitation made by the APDF to organize the Eleventh Session of the TWG-DC meeting in Melbourne, Australia, in conjunction with the Second General Assembly of the APDF, which is scheduled to be held in Melbourne, Australia in 2005. This proposition is to encourage as many participants as possible from NGOs to reduce financial burden on them.

TWG-DC expressed their appreciation of the co-chairs (Ms Judy Wee and the UNESCAP Secretariat).




Mr San Ngy, Disability Action Council (DAC), # 28 Street 184, Sangkat Chey Chumnas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: 855-23-215341/218 797, Fax: 855 23 214722, Email: ngysan@dac.org.kh or dac@dac.org.kh


Ms Mary Ma, Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Health and Welfare Bureau, Government Secretariat, 20/F., Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, Tel: (852) 2973 8180, Fax: (852) 2543 0486, Email: cforr@hwb.gcn.gov.hk, hwbcfr@hwb.gov.hk


Mr Ashish Kumar, Director, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, Room No. 253 “A” Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, India, Tel: (91-11)233-83853 (O), (91-11)262-64599 (R) Email: kmashish@hub.nic.in

Ms Sunita Singh, Project Director, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, Room No. 253 “A” Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, India, Tel: (91-11)233-83853, Email: drcpd@hub.nic.in


Ms Mayuri Hirata, Special Assistant to the Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, 1674 New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10320, Tel: 02 252-6151, Email: mayuri.hirata@eoj.arccyber.com or mayuri.hirata@mofa.go.jp


Mr Rafek Reshidullah, Deputy Director General, Department of Social Welfare, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia, Tingkat 6-16, Wisma shen, Jalan Masjid India, 50564 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 03-26925011, Fax: 03-26934270, Email: rafek@kempadu.gov.my

Mr Md. Rashid bin Ismail, Director of Rehabilitation, Department of Social Welfare, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia, Tingkat 6-16, Wisma shen, Jalan Masjid India, 50564 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 03-26925011, Fax: 03-26934270, Email: rashid@kempadu.gov.my


Mr Binod Bahadur Kunwar, Section Officer, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: (977) 424-1613, (977)-1-424516, Email: mwscw@ntc.net.np


Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

Mr Pat Watanasin, Social Worker, Bureau of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities, Tel: 02-644-7991, Fax: 02-644 7005, Email: disabilities@opp.go.th (Fax/Tel preferable)

Ms Vijit Kaewkuerwan, Social Development Officer, Bureau of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities, Tel: 02-644-7991, Fax: 02-644 7005, Email: vijit_26@hotmail.com

Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD)

Mr Akiie Ninomiya, APCD-JICA Chief Adviser, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Naoko Ito, APCD-JICA Expert on HRD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Mr Hisao Chiba, APCD-JICA Expert on ICT, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Lasapan Toomsawasdi, ICT Chief, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Phatcharamont Phanthong, ICT Officer, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Jirat Wachirasereechai, HRD Chief, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Mr Somchai Rungsilp, HRD Advisor, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Suwapa Prasitwises, HRD Officer, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Mr Somkiat Sriprai, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Saowalak Tongkuay, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org

Ms Daranee Peterson, Administrative Assistance, APCD, 1st Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, 255 Rajvithi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-247-2619, Fax: 66-2-247-2375, Email: info@apcdproject.org


Ms Betul Yalcin, Specialist on Disabled People, Prime Ministry, Administracy on Disabled People, Ozurluler Idaresi Baskanligi, Ihlamur Sok No: 1, Yenisehir 06440 Ankara, Turkey, Tel: 90 312 4197923-2210, Fax: 90-312-4177620, Email: betulyn@yahoo.com _____________


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Thailand
Mr Wim Polman, Rural Development Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Tel:(662) 697 4000 ext. 4316, Fax:(662)280-0445, Email: wim.polman@fao.org

International Labour Organization (ILO), Thailand
Ms Debra Perry, Senior Specialist in Vocational Rehabilitation for the Asia and Pacific Region, EASMAT, United Nations Building, 10th Floor, P.O. Box 2-349, Bangkok 10200, Tel: (662) 288-1792
Email: perry@ilo.org

Ms Anne Holopainen, EASMAT, United Nations Building, 10th Floor, P.O. Box 2-349, Bangkok 10200, Tel: (662) 288-1792
Email: holopainen@ilo.org

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Thailand
Mr Jon F. Kapp, Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics Unit (AIMS), Mom Luang Pin Lalakul Centenary Building, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bankgok 10110, Thailand, Tel: (02) 391-0577, Fax: (02) 391-0866, Email: j.kapp@unescobkk.org

Mr OCHIRKHUYAG Gankhuyag, Programme Assistant - Gender in Education, Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL), UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, 920 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand, Tel: (02) 391-0577 Ext.320, Fax: (02) 391-0866, Email: o.gankhuyag@unescobkk.org

World Health Organization (WHO)
Dr Khasnabis Chapal, Technical Officer, Disability and Rehabilitation (DAR) Team, World Health Organization, Room No. 6114, 6th Floor, 20, Avenue Apia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, Tel: (+41-22)7913499, Mobile: +41792493545, Fax: (+41-22) 7914874, Email: khasnabisc@who.int


Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), Bangladesh
Ms Limia Dewan, Unit Manager, Inclusive Education Project, BEP, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), BRAC Center, 17th Floor, BEP, 75 Mahakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, Fax: 880-2-8823543, 8823614, Email: limiad@yahoo.com

Mr Md. Nazrul Islam, Area Education Manager, BEP, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), BRAC Center, 17th Floor, BEP, 75 Mahakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, Fax: 880-2-8823543, 8823614

Mosammat Jabunnesa, Senior Material Developer Specialist, Inclusive Education Project, BEP, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), BRAC Center, 17th Floor, BEP, 75 Mahakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, Tel: 88-02-9881265, Fax: 880-2-8823543, 8823614, Email: adrila_03@yahoo.com,

Cambodia Trust, Cambodia
Ms Alison Rhodes, Country Director, Cambodia Trust, PO Box 122, Calmette Hospital, Preah Monivang Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel/Fax: (855) 23 427076, Mobile phone: 012 903990, Email: arhodes@cambodiatrust.org.kh

Center for Disability in Development (CDD), Bangladesh
Mr A.H.M. Noman Khan, Executive Director, Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), D-55/3, Talbag, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh, Tel: 880-2-7711379, Fax: 880-2-771467, Email: cdd@bangla.net

Mr Nazmul Bari, Deputy Director, Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), D-55/3, Talbag, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh, Tel: 880-2-7711379, Fax: 880-2-771467, Email: cdd@bangla.net

Disability Australia, Australia
Mr Frank Hall-Bentick
President, Disability Australia, Unit 4, 65 York Street, Richmond Vic. 3121 Australia,
Tel: 613 9429 4210, Fax: 613 9201 9598, Email: frankhb@connexus.net.au

Disability Australia, Australia (continued) Ms Annette Emery, Disability Australia, Unit 4, 65 York Street, Richmond Vic. 3121 Australia, Tel: 613 9429 4210, Fax: 613 9201 9598

Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI)

Mr Topong Kulkhanchit
Regional Development Officer, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), Asia-Pacific Regional Council, 325 Bondstreet Rd., Bangpood, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120, Tel: 66-2-984 1007 Fax: 66-2-984 1008 Mobile: 015581902, Email: dpiapro@loxinfo.co.th, (use) rdo@dpiap.org, rdoap@hotmail.com

Ms Supattraporn Tanatikom, ILP Co-ordinator, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), Asia-Pacific Regional Council, 325 Bondstreet Rd., Bangpood, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120, Tel: 66-2-984 1007, Fax: 66-2-984 1008, Email: dpiapro@loxinfo.co.th

Ms Chidchanok Fakfai, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), Asia-Pacific Regional Council, 325 Bondstreet Rd., Bangpood, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120, Tel: 66-2-984 1007, Fax: 66-2-984 1008, Mobile: 01-5581902, Email: dpiapro@loxinfo.co.th

Ms Motoko Odachi, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), Asia-Pacific Regional Council, 325 Bondstreet Rd., Bangpood, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120, Tel: 66-2-984 1007 Fax: 66-2-984 1008 Mobile: 015581902, Email: dpiapro@loxinfo.co.th

Mr Prayad Punongong, Vice Chair for South East Asia, DPI, 482 M. 10 Pracharak Rd., Banped, Muang Kaen 4000, Thailand
Tel: 043 333-672, Fax: 043 333673, Email: kkab@loxinfo.co.th

Ms Tidarat Punongong, DPI, 482 M. 10 Pracharak Rd., Banped, Muang Kaen 4000, Thailand, Tel: 043 333-672, Fax: 043 333673, Email: kkab@loxinfo.co.th

Eden Handicap Service Centre Berhad, Malaysia

Mr Robert Chin-Chuan LIN, Eden Handicap Service Centre Berhad, CO-9-GF Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang Jalan Utama 10450, Penang, Malaysia, tel: 60-4-228 2758, Fax: 06-4-2296951, Email: edenhdc@yahoo.com
Ms Emma, Li-Chia LEE, Eden Handicap Service Centre Berhad, CO-9-GF Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang Jalan Utama 10450, Penang, Malaysia, tel: 60-4-228 2758, Fax: 06-4-2296951, Email: edenhdc@yahoo.com

Foundation for the Employment Promotion of the Blind, Thailand
Mr Pecharat Techavachara, Foundation for the Employment Promotion of the Blind, 2218/86 Chan Road, Chongnontri, Bangkok 10120, Thailand, Tel: 02-670763, Fax: 02-678-0765

Ms Amphorn Techavachara, Foundation for the Employment Promotion of the Blind, 2218/86 Chan Road, Chongnontri, Bangkok 10120, Thailand, Tel: 02-670763, Fax: 02-678-0765

Handicap International (HI), Thailand
Ms Shushira Chonhenchob, Disability and Development-Manager, Handicap International, 10 Phaholyothin 3 Road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Email: bkkdd@thailand-hi.org

Ms Prapanrat Kochasena, Assistant Project Coordinator, Handicap International, 10 Phaholyothin 3 Road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Email: Email: mreapc@thailand-hi.org

Ms Aki Fujiwara, Handicap International, 10 Phaholyothin 3 Road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Email: Email: aki@thailand-hi.org

Handicap Welfare Association, Singapore
Ms Judy Wee, Chair-APDF and President, Executive Committee 03/05, Handicap Welfare Association, 16 Whampoa Dirve, Singapore 327725, Tel: 6254 3006, Fax: 6253 7375, Email: hwa@hwa.org.sg, weejudy@singnet.com.sg
Hilton/Perkins Program (HPP), Thailand Mr J. Kirk Horton, c/o Bangkok School for the Blind, 420 Rajvithi Road, Bangkok 10400, Tel: 01-909-4252, Email: panna@mozart.inet.co.th

Inclusion International, New Zealand Mr J.B. Munro, Regional Chairperson, Inclusion International, APEC Region, 120 Factory Road, Mosgiel 9007, New Zealand, Tel: 64-3-489 1995, Fax: 64-3-489 1996, Email: JBmunro@xtra.co.nz

Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JDRPD), Japan Mr Ryosuke Matsui, Interim Secretary General, Vice President of Rehabilitation International, Chairperson, Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific, c/o Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD), 1-22-1 Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0052, JAPAN, Tel: +81-3-5273-0601, Fax: +81-3-5273-1523, Email: matsui@mt.tama.hosei.ac.jp

Ms Etsuko Ueno, Secretariat, Office of the Regional Committee for Asia & the Pacific Regional Secretariat, c/o Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD), 1-22-1, Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0052 Japan, Tel: 81-3-5273-0601, Fax: 81-3-5273-1523, Email: eueno@dinf.ne.jp

Job Placement Limited, Australia Mr Jason McKey, Managing Director, Job Placement Limited, Australia, Mobile: 61-419-797-674, Tel: 61-7-3808-5830, Toll-free: 1800-804-263, Email: Jason@jobplacement.com.au

Korean Association for Supporting the Disabled, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Mr Kim, Yong Chol, Executive Director, Korean Association for Supporting the Disabled, Tel: 850-2-381-7073, Fax: 850-2-381-7680, Email: kasdmoon@yahoo.com

Mr Kim, Mun Chol, Executive Exchange Secretary, Korean Association for Supporting the Disabled, Tel: 850-2-381-7073, Fax: 850-2-381-7680, Email: kasdmoon@yahoo.com

Mr Jo Tu Jin, Korean Association for Supporting the Disabled, Tel: 850-2-381-7073, Fax: 850-2-381-7680, Email: kasdmoon@yahoo.com

Mr Kang Yun Doc, Korean Association for Supporting the Disabled, Tel: 850-2-381-7073, Fax: 850-2-381-7680, Email: kasdmoon@yahoo.com

Korea Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Korea
Mr Hyung Shik Kim, RI National Secretary for Korea, Korea Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Korea, Email: hskim924@hotmail.com, Hskim924@hanrw.ac.kr

National Association of the Deaf in Thailand (NADT), Thailand Ms Panomwan Boontem, President NADT, 144/9 Moo Ban Thitiporn, Pattanakarn 29 Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250, Tel: 02-717 1902-3, Fax: 02 717 1904, Email: nadtthai@mweb.co.th

Ms Suchada Manorosjaturong, National Association for the Deaf in Thailand (NADT), 144/9 Moo Ban Thitiporn, Pattanakarn 29 Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250, Tel: 02-717 1902-3, Fax: 02 717 1904, Email: nadtthai@mweb.co.th

Ms Puangpet Limpisuree, Sign Language Interpreter, National Association for the Deaf in Thailand (NADT), 144/9 Moo Ban Thitiporn, Pattanakarn 29 Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250, Tel: 02-717 1902-3, Fax: 02 717 1904, Email: nadtthai@mweb.co.th

Mr Pongpon Vorapipatkumtorn, Sign Language Interpreter, National Association for the Deaf in Thailand (NADT), 144/9 Moo Ban Thitiporn, Pattanakarn 29 Road, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250, Tel: 02-717 1902-3, Fax: 02 717 1904, Email: nadtthai@mweb.co.th

Malaysian Association for the Blind, Malaysia
Mr Goat See Godfrey Ooi, Deputy Executive Director, Malaysian Association for the Blind, Kompleks Mab, Jalan Tebling, Off Jalan tun Sambanthan 4 (Brickfields), 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel: 603-22722677, Fax: 603-22722676, Email: mablind@po.jaring.my

National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD), Bangladesh Mr Khandaker Jahurul Alam, President, National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD), 8/9, Block-A, Lalamatia, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh, Tel: 880-2-9129727, Fax: 880-2-8125669, Email: nfowd@bdmail.net or csid@bdmail.net

Parents’ Association of the Intellectually Impaired, Thailand Ms Phoranee Louineau, President, Parents’ Association of the Intellectually Impaired, 54/725 Villa Geneva, Muangthong Garden, Pattanakarn 65, Pravet, Bangkok 10250, Tel: 02 722-1554, Fax: 02 322-4438, Email: wandeech@mweb.co.th

Rehabilitation International (RI) Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific

Mr Joseph Kwok, R.S.W., Ph.D., J.P.,
Vice Chairman, Rehabilitation International Regional Committee for Asia and Pacific, Rehabilitation International, c/o Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Tel: 852 27 88 89 54, Fax: 852 27 88 89 60, Email: ssjk@cityu.edu.hk

Mr Hisao Sato, Vice Chair of RI Social Commission, Office of the Regional Committee for Asia & the Pacific Regional Secretariat, c/o Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD), 1-22-1, Toyama, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-162-0052, Japan, Tel: 81-3-5273-0601, Fax: 81-3-5273-1523, Email: jsrd@mzq.meshnet.or.jp, jcsw-hisao.sato@nifty.ne.jp hisao.sato@jcsw.ac.jp

Ms Penelope Price, Chair, Education Commission Asia-Pacific, Rehabilitation International, 172 Lesmurdie Road, Lesmurdie, WA 6076, Australia, Tel: 61-8-92916275, Fax: 61-8-92916383, Email: penelopej2000@yahoo.com, penelopej@iinet.net.au

Swedish Organizations of Disabled Persons International Aid Association (SHIA), Sweden

Ms Gunilla Hogling, Programme Officer, Swedish Organizations of Disabled Persons International Aid Association (SHIA), Liljeholms torg 7, 6 tr, SW-117 63, Stockholm, Sweden, Tel: (+46 8)462 3372, 714 5951 Fax: (+46 8)714 5951, www.shia.se, Email: gunilla@shia.se The Association for Career Advancement of the Blind, Thailand
Ms Sawart Pramoonsilp, The Association for Career Advancement of the Blind, 93 Soi Parcharat 28, Krungtaep-Nond Road, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800, Tel: 02-585-2391, (01)847-8405

Thai Blind People’s Foundation, Thailand Mr Monthian Buntan, Executive Committee Member, World Blind Union and The First Vice President, Committee Member, World Blind Union, Member, Advisory Committee on Disability to the Prime Minister of Thailand, Thai Blind People’s Foundation, 85/1-2 Soi Boonyu, Dindaeng Road, Samsen Nai, Phyathai, Bangkok 10400, Tel: (66-2) 246-2287 Fax: 66-2-8895308 Mobile 01-920-8455, Email: mbuntan@tab.or.th


Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Ms Bishnu Maya Dhungana, Gender and Development Study, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4 Khlong Luang Pathum Thani 12120 Thailand,
Mail Box 1012, Tel: 66-2-524-7399,
Email: st101095@ait.ac.th or bishnu.dhugana@ait.ac.th


Mr Raj Kumar Officer-in-Charge, a.i. of the secretariat
Mr Ravi Sawhney
Principal Officer, Office of the Executive Secretary
Mr Daewan Choi Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary and Secretary of the Commission
Ms Thelma Kay Chief, Emerging Social Issues Division
Mr Jerrold W. Huguet Chief, Population and Social Integration Section, Emerging Social Issues Division
Ms Kay Nagata Social Affairs Officer, Population and Social Integration Section, Emerging Social Issues Division
Ms Aiko Akiyama Project Expert on Disability, Population and Social Integration Section, Emerging Social Issues Division
Mr Peter Van Laere Chief, Administrative Services Division
Mr Anmin Yin Officer-in-Charge, a.i., of the Conference Services Section, Administrative Services Division
Mr David Lazarus Chief, United Nations Information Services