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Ⅱ スイスにおける普及啓発の焦点











表1:Social Distance to a Person with Mental Illness in Different Social Contexts(N=844; missing data<2.7%)

Would you... Definitely
Unwilling Neutral Willing Definitely
...be willing to start work with a person like B.*? 2.6% 6.4% 24.5% 38.0% 27.5%
...like to move next door to a person like B.*? 1.9% 10.1% 26.5% 36.1% 25.1%
...make friends with a person like B.* 9.8% 17.5% 31.0% 26.8% 14.6%
...rent a room to a person like B.*? 11.5% 22.9% 34.7% 22.0% 8.6%
...recommend a person like B.* for a job? 9.4% 24.2% 35.4% 22.0% 8.3%
...like your child to marry a person like B.* 13.3% 25.6% 32.8% 17.8% 7.9%
...trust a person like B.* to take care of your child 25.1% 30.2% 25.8% 14.2% 4.5%

*The person depicted in the vignette was called Beat.
Lauber, C., Nordt, C., Falcato, L. and Roessler, W. (2004)

表2:Results of the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for Social Distance Toward People with Mental Illness in Switzerland(N=594; R2 adj.=.448)

  B p
Schizophrenia vignette .231 <0.000
Positive attitude to lay helping -.211 <0.000
Positive attitude to community psychiatry -.167 <0.000
Negative emotions .159 <0.000
Acceptance of negative sanctions .150 <0.000
Age .150 <0.000
Sex(female) .137 <0.000
Interest in psychiatric topics in the mass media -.124 <0.000
Living in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland .120 <0.000
Acceptance of psychotropic side effects .114 0.001
Favoring medical treatment .106 0.001
Correct recognition of the vignette as an illness .104 <0.01
Perceived discrimination .080 <0.05
Contact to person with mental illness -.074 <0.05

Lauber, C., Nordt, C., Falcato, L. and Roessler, W. (2004)

表3:Negative Stereotypes About Mentally Ill People by Professional Groups and the General Public: Mean Values on the Negative Stereotypes Scale(95% CI)

Professional Group Negative Stereotypesa
Psychiatrists (n = 201) 3.49 (3.45-3.54)b
Psychologists (n = 66) 3.33 (3.26-3.41)
Nurses (n = 676) 3.41 (3.38-3.43)
Other Therapistsc (n = 116) 3.39 (3.34-3.45)
General Population (n = 253) 3.38 (3.34-3.42)

a:Mean value of 7 negative (eg,‘‘dangerous’’) and 3 positive (reverse scored, eg,‘‘self-controlled’’) items. A value over the midpoint 3 indicates that more negative.and less positive.attributes are ascribed to people with mental illness than to other people.

b:Psychiatrists significantly held more negative stereotypes than each other group (p < .05).

c:Other therapists include vocational workers, social workers, and physiotherapists.

Nordt, C., R¨ossler, W. and Lauber C. (2006)

表4:Restrictions on Mentally Ill People by Professional Groups and the General Public: Proportion of Respondents Agreeing (95% CI)

  Type of Restriction      
Revocation of the Driver' s License
n = 1210
Withdrawal of the Right to Vote
n = 1323
n = 1222
n = 1317
Psychiatrists 29.1 (21.8-37.3)a 3.0 (0.9-6.9) 8.5 (4.6-14.2) 98.5
Psychologists 16.4 (6.9-30.6)a 1.5 (0.0-9.1) 9.5 (3.1-21.1) 98.5 (90.7-100)
Nurses 46.0 (41.5-50.5) 2.8 (1.6-4.6) 9.8 (7.3-12.7) 98.2
32.4 (22.5-43.6)a 5.1 (1.6-11.6) 5.4 (1.7-12.2) 98.3
General Public 65.7 (58.3-72.6)b 19.6 (14.3-25.8)b 29.0

a:Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other therapists support significantly less the revocation of the driver' s license in severe mental illness than nurses ( p < .01).

b:The public significantly accepts this restriction more than each professional group ( p < .01).

c:The public significantly disapproves more often compulsory admission than each professional group ( p < .001).

d:Other therapists include vocational workers, social workers, and physiotherapists.

Nordt, C., R¨ossler, W. and Lauber C. (2006)

表5:Recognition of the Vignettes by Professional Groups and the General Public: Proportion of Respondents Holding the Person Described in the Case Vignette as Having a ‘‘Mental Illness’’ (95% CI)

  Type of Vignette    
Group Schizophrenia
n = 471
Major Depression
n = 639
n = 126
Psychiatrists (n = 202) 100 (93.7-100) 92.2 (84.8-96.8)b 26.3 (7.7-54.4)
Psychologists (n = 64) 100 (84.5-100) 86.7 (66.7-97.0)b 25.0 (2.2-69.4)
Nurses (n = 673) 94.9 (90.8-97.6) 65.1 (59.2-70.8) 17.4 (9.3-28.6)
Other Therapistsd (n = 115) 97.9 (87.2-100) 63.6 (47.7-77.7) 7.7 (0.1-40.1)
General Public (n = 182) 72.3 (60.7-82.1)a 45.4 (33.4-57.9)c -e

a:The public held the described person in the schizophrenia vignette as having a mental illness significantly less often than each professional group ( p < .01).

b:Psychiatrists and psychologists recognized the description of a person suffering from major depression as having a mental illness significantly more often than nurses and other therapists ( p < .05).

c:The public recognized the major depression description as a mental illness significantly less often than each professional group (p < .05).

d:Other therapists include vocational workers, social workers, and physiotherapists.

e:The non-case vignette was not presented in the public survey.

Nordt, C., R¨ossler, W. and Lauber C. (2006)

表6:Social Distance Toward the Case Vignette by Professional Groups and the General Public: Mean Values on the Social Distance Scale(95% CI)

  Type of Vignette    
Group Schizophrenia
n = 477
Major Depression
n = 652
n = 125
Psychiatrists (n=202) 3.33 (3.12-3.54)a 2.30 (2.19-2.41) 2.23 (1.88-2.57)
Psychologists (n=67) 3.01 (2.71-3.32)a 2.24 (2.03-2.45) 2.36 (2.07-2.64)
Nurses (n=679) 3.09 (2.98-3.19)a 2.38 (2.31-2.46) 2.28 (2.11-2.46)
Other therapistsb (n=117) 2.89 (2.64-3.14)a 2.31 (2.16-2.47) 2.19 (1.85-2.54)
General public (n=189) 2.96 (2.81-3.11)a 2.48 (2.35-2.62) -c

a:In all professional groups.and the public.the social distance toward the schizophrenia vignette is significantly higher than toward the depression and the non-case vignette ( p < .001).

b:Other therapists include vocational workers, social workers, and physiotherapists.

c:The non-case vignette was not presented in the public survey.

Nordt, C., R¨ossler, W. and Lauber C. (2006)