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Tokachi - Offshore Earthquake Sep 26, 2003: 6:08

The Damage of Tokachi - Offshore Earthquake

Condition right after the earthquake

(Mr. Nishiyama's house)
Heating oil spilt all over the place.
Bethef fellows came to help.

Everything was messed up and I couldn't walk.
I was afraid.

Heavy heater fell down.

I found my home very messy after coming back from my uncle's house for my mother's funeral.

(Hot-Heim) They promised to come to Bethel first for the next earthquake.

I was in hospital. I felt relieved when I called home and knew there was damage.

Good Changes in Bethel House

  1. Cha1nges in morning meetings
  2. Utilization of Internet and DAISY
  3. Identifying evacuation routes and sites
  4. Changes in relationship with neighbors