A Study of Driving Aptitude for Elderly Driver Part 2
Fumio Mori Hokkaido College of Art and Science
Takashi Yamada, Tsukasa Muramatsu College of Medical Technology, Hokhaido Uniuersity Masao Tanaka Hokkaido Automotiue Junior College
- 高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(2)NO.2
- 高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(3)NO.3
- 高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(4)NO.4
- 高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(5)NO.5
- 高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(6)NO.6
The purpose of this study is to clarify the driving aptitude for elderly by means of psychological tests concerning to the driving performance. The tests used for this study were a questionnaire and two tests; a time-free questionnaire so called the Self Diagnostic Questionnarie for Safty Driving developed by the Department of Police, a multiple choice test for measuring the Driver's Attitude for Safty Driving, and a multiple choice test which the subject were forced to chose one answer after beeing shown the two serial traffic pictures (Fig.3 A. B) drawn from the driver's seat for ten seconds called the Measurment of Sensitivity for Traffic Danger developed by the Center for Traffic Accident. The subjects were 108 healthy elderly drivers from below 60 to more than 70 years old for Self Diagnostic Questionnarie for Safty Driving (Table 5), and 146 healthy elderly drivers from 60 to 79 year-old for the rest of the two tests (Table 6).
The results of this study were as followings. (1) According to the Questionnaire for Safty Driving, the elderly drivers over 70 year-old tended to show the more hesitating manners during their drivings than the youger old drivers (Table 7,8). (2) From the analyses of the result of each test of Driver's Attitude for Safty Driving and the Measurment of Sensitivity for Traffic Danger exhibited that the older the drivers were, the more decentralized the scores were (Table 8,9). However, (3) from the analysis of the combined result of both two test, the elderly drivers over 70 year-old tended to demonstrate the better inform-ation processing ability than the group of 65-69 year-old elderly drivers,which meaned that the drivers more than 70 year-old tended to ignore some of the important aspects for safty driving, but to keep well some of the others (Table 11).
According to the results from this study, it was suggested that any kinds of councelling system for the elderly drivers were needed, especially for the drivers over 70 years old.
高齢者の運転適性に関する研究(2) 65~65頁
森 二三男
No.3巻 65~78頁
西暦 1987年
学校法人 つしま記念学園・専門学校・日本福祉学院
〒062 北海道札幌市豊平区月寒西2条5丁目1番2号
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