Research Resources

Support information for 2011 Tohoku Kanto Earthquake

Independent Living

  • Interview with Ms. Judith E. Heumann
    Ms. Judith E. Heumann is an internationally recognized leader in the disability community. She has been working with governments and NGOs and has produced significant contributions since the 1970s to the development of human rights legislation and policies for persons with disabilities, and to the international development of the independent living movement.


  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging [Link]
    This site is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of topics, programs and services related to aging. Whether you are an older individual, a caregiver, a community service provider, a researcher, or a student, you will find valuable information provided in a user-friendly way.
  • Alliance for Aging Research[Link]
    The Alliance for Aging Research website provides information on the issues and policies surrounding healthy aging and medical research in this area, and seeks to engage users in a dialog with the organization and each other about this information. Throughout the site, users are asked to provide us with their opinions and other feedback, and are encouraged to sign up to receive our electronic newsletter and other email from us. The information that users share with us is treated with respect and concern for privacy.

Autism and Learning Disabilities

  • Dyslexia:How do we work with persons with dyslexia
    Anita Hildén
    JSRPD, October 6, 2015.
    Stephen M. Shore who has autism himself wrote about his life history and some definitions of autism in this article. It was based on a lecture he gave at the Musashinohigashi-gakuen, Tokyo Japan on January 27, 2005.
  • Asperger Syndrome and Autism: Strategies for Success
    This article written by Dr. Brenda Smith Myles , Ph.D., Special Education, Behavior, University of Kansas, provides an introduction to three strategies that can be easily implemented by adults to help students acquire the skills to function more successfully. These interventions help to clarify tasks and demands, provide opportunities for stress reduction, increase student motivation, and build an understanding of the world.
  • Global Autism Collaboration [Link]
    The Center (located in the Salem/Portland, Oregon area) provides information about autism to parents and professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions. Much of their research is in collaboration with the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California.
    This website offers information and links regarding the developmental disabilities, autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
  • National Center for Learning Disabilities[Link]
    The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) in the United States provides essential information to parents, professionals and individuals with learning disabilities, promotes research and programs to foster effective learning, and advocates for policies to protect and strengthen educational rights and opportunities. The Center works to ensure that the nation's 15 million children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities have every opportunity to succeed in school, work and life.
  • LD OnLine[Link]
    LD OnLine is a national educational service of public television station WETA in Washington, D.C. It is operated in association with the Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities and is made possible by generous support from Lindamood-Bell Learning ProcessesR. LD OnLine offers online services and produces video programs dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities and ADHD.
  • National Institute of Mental Health[Link]
    National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is working to improve mental health through biomedical research on mind, brain, and behavior. This website provides information to the public, researchers, and clinicians on a range of mental disorders affecting adults and children, including: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, suicide that occurs in the context of mental disorders, autism-spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other behavioral conditions that can adversely affect a child's healthy development. Clinicians will find a variety of consensus conference reports and patient education materials.

Barrier Free Design

  • Institute on Independent Living[Link]
    The Independent Living Institute offers resources for persons with extensive disabilities and develops consumer-driven policies for self-determination, self-respect and dignity.
  • The Center for Universal Design[Link]
    The Center for Universal Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance center that evaluates, develops, and promotes universal design in housing, public and commercial facilities, and related products.
  • Trace Center[Link]
    The Trace Center is currently working on ways to make standard information technologies and telecommunications systems more accessible and usable by people with disabilities. This work is primarily funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) (U.S. Department of Education) Its mission is to prevent the barriers and capitalize on the opportunities presented by current and emerging technologies, in order to create a world that is as accessible and usable as possible for as many people as possible.
  • Kyoyo-Hin Foundation[Link]
    Kyoyo-Hin and Kyoyo services are designed to be used by as many people as possible, including the elderly and those with disabilities. Their mission is to promote the development of Kyoyo – Hin – products or services that can be used by as many people as possible including the elderly and persons with disabilities. The Kyoyo-Hin Foundation works and exchange information with following 5 groups or organizations to conduct several activities : 1. Companies, manufacturers and association of industries. 2. Consumers' groups including the disability or the elderly groups. 3. Standardization bodies in the world as well as in Japan. 4. Administrative organizations and self-governing body. 5. Educational institutions and research institutions.

Blindness and Visual Impairments

  • Tiresias[Link]
    The Tiresias web site provides in-depth information on assistive devices for people with visual disabilities, current and future research, technical information, disability organisations and agencies, sources of research, funding, publications, standards and legislation. This site is for professionals who work in the field of visual disabilities and for all people who have an interest in solving the problems faced by people with disabilities. Guidelines on accessibility issues for all types of disabilities are also on this site.
  • National Eye Institute[Link]
    The National Eye Institute (NEI) was established by Congress in 1968 to protect and prolong the vision of the American people. As one of the Federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NEI conducts and supports research that helps prevent and treat eye diseases and other disorders of vision. This research leads to sight-saving treatments, reduces visual impairment and blindness, and improves the quality of life for people of all ages. NEI-supported research has advanced our knowledge of how the visual system functions in health and disease.

Deaf and the hard of hearing

    Deaf Linx provides full of resources for information on deafness, deaf culture, American Sign Langauge (ASL) and all other related topics. Deaf Linx firmly believes that deafness is not a disability, but a condition that produces a sub-culture that should be celebrated. Many people are unaware of all the accomplishments that deaf individuals have made and the unique ways in which they have come together to create a distinctive identity. Whether you are a deaf person or someone with hearing loss, looking for other individuals in your area, or you just want to learn about deaf culture or deaf society, our resources on deafness are for you.

Disability and Rehabilitation

Disability Services for Students

Disaster Preparedness

  • Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Support for People with Disabilities
    Activities and Proposals of the Japan Disability Forum and Related Organizations
    Japan Disability Forum (JDF)
    March 2015
  • The disasters preparation projects of the Bethel’s House
    Presentation on Tsunami Evacuation Training by Bethel's House which is a self-help group for users and survivors of psychiatry in Urakawa, Hokkaido, Japan at Phuket Meeting on Disaster Preparedness of Persons with Disabilities held on 24-25 May 2008, Phuket, Thailand. This meeting is held to follow-up the International Conference on Tsunami Preparedness of Persons with Disabilities,11-12 January 2007, Phuket.
  • Mental Health in the Disaster Treatment Manual for Children
    edited by Japanese Society for Pediatric Psychiatry translated from Japanese by Masakage Okuno M. D. and Shindo Eiji C. P.
  • Federal Emergency Management Administration[Link]
    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) developed this inventory of Web site content as required by Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002. This inventory is intended to be an overview, and to represent Web site content from all agencies and staff offices of FEMA. On March 1, 2003,it became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
  • Red Cross Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities [Link]
    Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities has been designed to help people who have physical, visual, auditory, or cognitive disabilities to prepare for natural disasters and their consequences. Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization.
  • Disabled People and Disaster Planning[Link]
    "Disabled People and Disaster Planning" (DP2) was a group of people primarily from Los Angeles County who met during 1996 and 1997 and formulated recommendations to reduce or eliminate problems with accessibility that many disabled people experienced after the Northridge Earthquake of 1994. This website contains the group's recommendations, as well as other information relevant to assisting people with disabilities in preparing for and cope with disastrous earthquakes.


  • ILO 2015 — Decent Work Report(Third Edition)
    Decent work for persons with disabilities: promoting rights in the global development agenda International Labour Office – Geneva
    Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch
  • Best Practices for the Working Places for Persons with Disabilities in Japan
    Presented at the Power-up Forum for The Working Place for Persons with Disabilities in 2012
  • Social Firms in Europe
    The author of this report is Mr. Gerold Schwarz, Joint programme manager, International Organization for Migration. It aims to provide a latest overview on the situation of Social Firms in Europe. The main focus is on market oriented Social Firms with a strong entrepreneurial approach as well as on generation of meaningful and sustainable employment for disadvantaged people.

Psychiatric Disability

Social Security Programs

  • Social Security Programs Throughout the World". Social security Online. by the U.S. Social Security Administration[Link]
    This publication highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries: old-age, survivors, and disability; sickness and maternity; work injury; unemployment; and family allowances. A set of tables in each volume provides information for each country on the types of social security programs, types of mandatory systems for retirement income, contribution rates, and demographic and other statistics related to social security.
    Beginning with the March 2002 edition, SSPTW now appears in four volumes published on a rolling basis every 6 months. Each volume focuses on a specific region of the world: Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas.
    We can view the most recent information for each region on this page.

Asia Region


Statistical Surveys of Disailities

Barrier Free Tourism
