A reseach of employment on the elderly in Hokkaido - on manpower of the elderly worker -
Fumio Mori and Akira Hirayama College of Art and Science,Hokkaido Rakuno University
Recently,many Japanese gerontological researchers have taken up methods for improving the quality of life of the elderly.
This study examined tow viewpoints of mandatory retirement from private enterprises in Hokkaido, the viewpoint of the employer and that of the employee. The method was questionnaires mailed to 195 enterprises and 492 retired workers. The questionnaires for enterprises consisted of twenty six items concerning re employment and/or elongated employment after retirement from their organization; retired workers were asked to describe their daily lifestyle on the basis of twenty scaling inventories.
Results were as follows:
First, the answering enterprises (90%) prescribe mandatory retirement in their working rules, retirement age is 60 in the majority.
Some service businesses and manufacturers retire their workers at 65.
Generally, the rule of continued employment after retirement could not confirmed over all enterprises.
Elderly manpower is often preferred to younger men in building maintenance companies and other services.
Placement of the retired reemployees is unchanged in almost all companies, though their wages are lower than during their
active service time.
Next,each individual datum in the age group was 60 to 69 were factor analyzed,
varimax rotated analysis was applied and three factors were derived : 1, work satisfaction;
2, social activity ; and 3, work-oriented life style factor.
Accordingly, it was suggested that many workers who have been reemployed after retirement are still far away mentally from individual selection of activities for retirement because of the influence of the Japanese work-oriented life style.
It is recommended to clarify how to induce the elderly to participate in social welfare activities after retirement in the near future.
* 北海道文理科短期大学
北海道における高齢者の雇用実態調査 131~131頁
森 二三男、平山 明
No.9巻 131~150頁
西暦 1993年
学校法人 つしま記念学園・専門学校・日本福祉学院
〒062 北海道札幌市豊平区月寒西2条5丁目1番2号
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